Difference between Certificate Holder and Additional Insured

A monetary loss resulting from a risk that was unknown yet caused by an occurrence that frequently occurred. Therefore, safety measures, commonly referred to as insurance, are essential for protecting against risks. This is the process wherein the insurer agrees to compensate the insured for a covered loss in return for a guarantee of risk in the form of payment from the insured. After the agreement is reached, a formal contract is provided outlining the terms and circumstances of the deal. Among the possible paperwork that might be issued are a certificate holder and an extra insured document.

Who is a Certificate Holder?

This certificate proves that you are the policyholder and, thus, that your insurance is still in effect. A certificate holder has the right to be notified or receive notifications if the policyholder makes changes to the policy or cancels the policy. In contrast, a certificate holder has no legal standing to make a claim under the insurance policy.

What is Additional Insured?

In the event that a claim needs to be made in the future, this secures the insured's rights under the policy. A claim may be made against the policy, however, if the extra insured is entitled to benefits under the policy. Nonetheless, the policyholder is not informed of any changes that are made to the policy.

Differences: Certificate Holder and Additional Insured

The following table highlights how a "certificate holder" is different from an "additional insured" -

Characteristics Certificate Holder Additional Insured
Definition Proof of insurance ownership is evidenced by a certificate holder. A person or entity to whom an insurance policy grants rights in the case of a claim.
Importance The certificate holder has no right to submit a claim for reimbursement under the insurance. A claim can be made on the insurance if the additional insured has rights under the policy.
Components In the event that the policyholder makes changes to the policy or cancels the policy, the certificate holder has the right to be notified. A certificate holder cannot make a claim on a policy. The additional insured is eligible to make a claim on the policy since the insurance provides them with specific protections. Nonetheless, the policyholder is not informed of any changes that are made to the policy.


In the event of a claim in the future, an insurance policy extra insured will grant rights to the additional insured. On the other hand, a certificate holder is a piece of paper that proves you are the owner of an insurance policy. In addition to becoming an additional insured, a client or contractor might also be included as the certificate holder. This ensures that all parties are adequately represented, as they would be covered by the insurance and informed of any policy changes or cancellations.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2022


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