Difference between API and SDK

API and SDK are two terms commonly used in software development, and while they might seem to be the same, they perform different tasks.

APIs are a set of protocols for creating software applications, whereas SDKs are a set of tools for developing software applications. While an API can be part of an SDK, an SDK is a more comprehensive set of tools for developing software applications.

Read this article to find out more about API and SDK and how they are different from each other.

What is API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface and refers to a set of protocols, routines, and tools used in the development of software applications. An API allows different software systems to interact with one another by specifying a set of communication rules.

APIs act as an interface between two software applications, allowing them to communicate data and functionality in a standardised manner. APIs are designed to be simple to use and understand, with clear and concise documentation that developers can refer to while developing API-enabled applications.

APIs are usually created by software companies or organisations that want to allow third-party developers access to their data or services. APIs may be public or private. Private APIs are restricted to a certain group of developers or partners, whereas public APIs are available to anyone who desires to use them.

APIs are a key component of modern software development because they allow developers to create complex software applications by using the functionality of other apps and services. Developers can save time and effort by not having to develop complex features from the start, allowing them to focus on creating unique features for their own applications.

What is SDK?

SDK is an abbreviation for Software Development Kit, which is a collection of software development tools used by developers to create programmes for a specific platform or operating system. SDKs usually include APIs, documentation, libraries, and tools that make the development process simpler.

SDKs are usually made available by software companies or organisations that want to encourage developers to create applications for their platform or operating system. A mobile operating system, such as iOS or Android, will provide an SDK that consists of APIs, documentation, and tools that developers can use to create applications that run on their platform.

An SDK usually consists of a set of libraries that provide functionality for common tasks such as accessing hardware features such as the camera or microphone, network connectivity, and user interface components. Additionally, the SDK contains tools for compiling, testing, and troubleshooting the application.

SDKs are required for developers who want to create applications for a particular platform or operating system. SDKs allow developers to focus on creating creative and compelling applications by providing a set of tools and frameworks that simplify the development process.

Difference between API and SDK

The following table highlights the major differences between API and SDK −





It refers to a set of protocols, routines, and tools used in the development of software applications.

It is a collection of software development tools used by developers to create programs for a specific platform or operating system.

Full Form

Application Programming Interface (API)

Software Development Kit (SDK)


Protocols, routines, and tools

APIs, documentation, libraries, and tools


Public or private

Open source or proprietary


APIs are provided by software companies or organizations.

SDKs are provided by platform or operating system providers.


Integrating third-party applications or services with existing software systems

Creating applications for a specific platform or operating system


In conclusion, while API and SDK might seem the same, they perform different roles in software development. APIs are protocols for developing software applications, whereas SDKs are tools for developing software applications.

An SDK can include an API, but an SDK is a more comprehensive collection of tools for developing software applications. Understanding the differences between API and SDK is important for developers in order to select the most suitable toolset for their specific software development needs.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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