Desert: Meaning and Types

Desert is one of the natural barren landscapes that supports very less life. But deserts fascinate not only geographers and other researchers, but also many nature loving tourists. They visit such places to explore desert life. Scorching heat or cold, rolling sand dunes, and a huge expanse of emptiness everything attracts large group of people.

What does the Term Desert Define?

Desert is the geographic region that faces an extreme condition either very high temperature (in the tropical and subtropical regions) or extremely low temperature (in the polar and arctic and Antarctic region), but commonality in both regions is, they are barren and receive very less precipitation. The desert located in tropical and sub-tropical regions, is known as hot desert and the desert located in higher latitude, is known as cold desert.

Furthermore, about one-third of the land surface of the Earth is classified as desert, as they have arid or semi-arid conditions. Examples are the polar regions, where little precipitation occurs, and it is known as polar deserts or "cold deserts". On the other hand, the deserts in tropical and subtropical regions, such as Sahara Desert in north Africa, Arabian Desert in the Middle East, Mojave Desert in North America, Thar Desert in India, etc. are classified as hot deserts.

Likewise, deserts are generally characterized by their extreme weather condition, arid or semi-arid climate (that receive very little to no precipitation throughout the year). And, these extreme conditions create an inhospitable environment for most of the life forms, leaving it as barren lands. But there are certain flora and fauna that feel comfortable in extreme environments. Some varieties of palm plants, insects and reptiles are found there.

Types of Desert

Following are the major types of desert −

  • Hot Desert − Hot deserts are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. These regions receive very little or no rainfall throughout the year. These deserts are so hot that sometimes rain evaporates even before it falls on the ground. The type of soil or surface of hot deserts are either sandy or coarse and rocky. Such type of desert is found in almost every continent, including Asia, Africa, North and South America, and Australia.

  • Cold Desert − The cold regions specifically some parts of temperate regions and Arctic and Antarctic regions are commonly classified as cold desert. These regions receive very little to no precipitation; sometimes, snowfall can be seen in the polar regions. Despite extreme conditions, these regions also have a few varieties of flora and fauna.

  • Coastal Desert − Coastal desert is found along the coast of the continents. It has cool winters and long and warm summer. More importantly, coastal deserts are (usually) found along the west coast of the continent specifically between 200 and 300 latitudes. For example, Atacama Desert in Chile and Namib Desert in Africa.

Major Deserts of the World

Though there are dozens of big and small desert across the globe; however, significant of them are −





Antarctic Desert

Antarctica, Around South Pole


Arctic Desert

Arctic, Around North Pole


Sahara Desert

North Africa


Great Australian Desert

Western Australia


Arabian Desert

Middle East


Gobi Desert

China & Mongolia


Kalahari Desert

Southern Africa


Patagonian Desert

South America


Syrian Desert

Middle East


Great Basin Desert

North America

Adaptations and Biodiversity

Deserts and semi-deserts are usually barren landscape, as they have hardly any type of water resources; however, despite the extreme conditions, they provide home to ecosystems with low or very low biomass. So, there are desert animals that have evolved with unique physiographic and adaptations to survive in such condition. Some of them remain underground for long period of time and protect themselves from heat. On the other hand, birds, insects, and reptiles reside in these harsh conditions by forming complex food chains that help them to sustain the delicate ecosystem.

Likewise, survival in the deserts requires exceptional adaptations. Plants, animals, and insects, those found in such extreme landscapes, have evolved ingenious strategies to conserve water, endure heat, and find sustenance. Interestingly, cacti are the iconic symbols of desert flora, as it has the ability to store water in their fleshy stems and release (through transpiration) very slowly. Secondly, desert animals like camels, have very specialized and unique physiological features that enable them to live for long periods of time without water. Besides, there are some reptiles that hardly appear during the day time; they turn for their daily activities during night.

A Place of Adventure, Solitude, and Serenity

Interestingly, beyond its ecological significance, the desert offers an unforgettable moment of solitude and serenity. Far away from modern and busy life, the desert facilitates visitors to connect with nature and find inner peace. Besides, one of the most fascinating aspects of the desert is its night sky experience, which is unobstructed by urban lights.

In the dark night, the stars twinkle like anything that beckon observers to contemplate the mysteries and uniqueness of universe. Likewise, the tranquility of the desert landscape provides an opportunity for introspection and a deeper connection with the natural world.


Desert, which possess extreme conditions and characterized as barren landscape, is one of the most remarkable landscapes on the world map. Despite extremes and only a few lives, its enigmatic beauty and endless horizons, it is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of life.

Undoubtedly, desert is a realm of wonder and discovery, where salient landscapes, rare and unique adaptations, and captivating biodiversity converge. Therefore, desert, in all its grandeur, remains an eternal representation of the magnificence of the natural world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a desert?

A desert is a geographic region, which is characterized by an arid climate to semi-arid climate that receives very little rainfall in a year. These regions are usually barren, as they are incapable to support life; however, some sorts of flora and fauna are found this extreme conditions.

What causes the arid conditions in deserts?

Deserts experience arid or dry conditions because of various factors, significant of them are atmospheric air circulation patterns, mountain barriers that block moisture-laden air, and the rain shadow effect, where prevailing winds cause rain to fall on one side of a mountain range and leaving the other side dry.

Do deserts have any vegetation?

Definitely yes. Deserts support some sorts of vegetation that has adapted to survive in the extreme conditions. Plants such as cacti, succulents, and drought-resistant shrubs are common in desert environments.

What kind of animals live in the desert?

Deserts provide favorable habitat to some sorts of animals as well. But these animals, insects, and reptiles have unique adaptations to cope with limited water and extreme temperatures. For example, camels, rattlesnakes, scorpions, and desert foxes.

Do people live in deserts?

Definitely yes. Some groups of triable have been residing in desert regions for thousands of years. Besides, some indigenous communities have developed traditional ways of life that revolve around sustainable practices and resource conservation; so that they can survive there comfortably.

Are there any oases in the desert?

Oases is the region in the desert where water is available. It is a natural water source found in some deserts. It often provides critical water supply for both wildlife and human settlements.

Can you find fossils in deserts?

Yes, deserts are rich sources of fossil discoveries, as the arid conditions can preserve ancient remains of plants and animals. Likewise, it provides valuable insights into the history of life on Earth.

Are all deserts hot?

No, all deserts are not hot, as there are cold deserts as well, such as the Gobi Desert in Asia and the Atacama Desert in South America, where temperatures can drop significantly low during the night.

Why are deserts important to the environment?

Despite having extreme conditions, deserts play a crucial role in the global ecosystem. They act as natural buffers against climate change, provide habitat for unique species, and provide valuable insights into ecological resilience.

Can you visit deserts as a tourist?

Yes, desert is one of the most preferred tourists’ destinations. Most of the deserts around the world are popular tourist destinations where tourists can experience the mesmerizing landscapes, engage in desert activities like camel rides and dune bashing, and learn about the unique flora and fauna.

Updated on: 27-Oct-2023


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