Decoder Driver IC and Its Application

What is a Decoder Driver IC?

A type of integrated circuit (IC) which is designed to decode information specified in the binary form is known as decoder driver IC. A decoder driver IC generates output signals to drive different electronic devices like LEDs, electronic relays, electric motors, etc.

Decoder driver ICs are most commonly used in electronic systems to convert digital signals specified in binary form into specific output signals that then drive an output device.

Types of Decoder Driver ICs

Depending on the decoding function performed, there are several types of decoder driver ICs available. Some important types are listed below −

  • BCD to Seven Segment Decoder IC

  • Binary to Decimal Decoder IC

  • Address Decoder IC

Let us discuss each of these decoder driver IC in detail.

BCD to 7-Segment Decoder Driver IC

BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) is a 4-bit binary code used to represent information in digital systems. BCD coded information can be decoded to show on a seven-segment display. The decoder driver IC used for this purpose is referred to as a BCD to 7-segment Decoder Driver IC. The BCD to 7-segment decoder driver IC is used to convert a BCD input signals into a seven segment output signal. This output signal is then used to display numbers of a 7- segment display. The BCD to 7-segment decoder driver IC is very commonly used in digital watches, clocks and calculators.

The IC7447 is an example BCD to seven segment decoder driver IC. The IC7447 takes the binary coded decimal as input and gives corresponding seven-segment code as output.

Binary to Decimal Decoder Driver IC

The binary to decimal decoder driver IC is another type of decoder integrated circuit that takes input signals in the binary form and converts them into corresponding output signals in the decimal form. In simple words, a decoder driver IC that converts binary input codes into decimal output codes is called binary to decimal decoder driver IC.

The binary to decimal decoder driver IC is used in such digital systems that need decimal decoding like digital timers and counters.

Address Decoder Driver IC

The type of decoder ICs used to decode memory addresses and select particular memory locations are known as address decoder driver ICs. This decoder IC is basically a binary decoder that has two or more input lines for memory address bits and one or more output lines for device selection signals.

In the address decoder driver IC, when an address for a specific device appears on the inputs, the decoder IC gives the selection output signal for that device. The IC74154 is an example of address decoder driver IC.

Applications of Decoder Driver ICs

The following are some important applications of decoder driver ICs −

  • Decoder driver ICs are used in computers for addressing memory locations.

  • Decoder driver ICs are also used for code conversion such as BCD to 7-segment, binary to decimal, etc.

  • Decoder driver ICs are also used in de-multiplexing of digital signals.


In conclusion, a decoder driver IC is an important element in several digital electronic systems. These are used in digital circuits to decode digital signals and produce output signals to drive devices like LEDs, motors, etc.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023


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