Data Marts(storage component of HDFS)

Data mart is a storage component and only cares about some specific functional area of an organisation which are then taken care by a single department like marketing, sales, finance etc. Data Mart and Data Warehouse are both storage components of HDFS. Data Mart contains a subset of the data stored in the data warehouse.

  • Frequently requested data can easily be accessed through data mart.

  • Simple to Implement and cost is lower as compared to data warehouse.

  • It is more open to change and its smaller size makes it quicker to build if any change in model occurs.

  • The three types of data mart are:Dependent Data Mart,Independent Data Mart and Hybrid Data Mart.

Dependent Data Mart

Dependent data mart is dependent on data warehouse to extract the data. First, data warehouse is created using data from various external source(through ETL tool), then data mart use the data from data warehouse. Dependent Data mart have no direct interaction with external sources and is only dependent on data warehouse to get the data. It is good for large organisations.

Independent Data Mart

Independent Data Mart does not depend on data warehouse instead it directly collect data from external source. data collected are then used to design data warehouse. It is good for small organisations as entire data warehouse creation takes a lot of time which could be saved if data marts are created first. It is cost effective if compared to others.

Hybrid Data Mart

Data is collected from external source as well as data from warehouse. It is important while doing Ad-hoc integration, like when data of new group arises and then added to the organisation. It addresses the issues of both dependent and independent data marts. Least cleansing is required for this. It is useful in case of fast implementation with multiple different database present. It upholds huge storage structure and are flexibly used in case of smaller data-centric applications.


This article explains data marts which is a storage component same as data warehouse and cares only for specific area of an organization. Data marts have three types. first is dependent data mart which depend on data warehouse to extract the data. second in independent data mart which directly extract data from external sources. Third is hybrid data mart which collect data from both external and data warehouse.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023


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