• C Programming Video Tutorials

C Programming - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to C Programming Framework. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - What is the output of the below code snippet?



A - Infinite loop

B - Prints “Hello” once.

C - No output

D - Compile error

Answer : D


Compiler error, semi colons need to appear though the expressions are optional for the ‘for’ loop.

Q 2 - What is the output of the following program?


   int x = 65, *p = &x;
   void *q=p;
   char *r=q;

A - Garbage character.

B - A

C - 65

D - Compile error

Answer : B


A, void pointer is a generic pointer and can hold any variable’s address. ASCII character for the value 65 is ‘A’

Q 3 - Following is the invalid inclusion of a file to the current program. Identify it.

A - #include <file>

B - #include “file”

C - #include < file

D - All of the above are invalid.

Answer : C


option (a) & (b) are valid. There is no such syntax or provision as in option (c).

Q 4 - What is the output of the following program?


   char *p = NULL;
   printf("%c", *p);


B - 0

C - Compile error

D - Runtime error.

Answer : D


It is invalid to access the NULL address hence giving run time error.

Q 5 - What is the output of the following program?


   char *s = "Hello";
   printf("%c", *s++);

A - Hello

B - Helloellolloloo

C - ello

D - Compile error

Answer : A


NULL is equivalent to ‘\0’ in value. Statement *s++ prints the character first and increments the address later.

Q 6 - The C library function rewind() reposition the file pointer at the beginning of the file.

A - True

B - False

Answer : A


void rewind(FILE *stream): In C, the rewind function reposition the file position to the beginning of the file of the given stream. It also erases the error and end-of-file indicators for stream.

Q 7 - Which of the following is a logical NOT operator?

A - !

B - &&

C - &

D - All of the above

Answer : A


Logical NOT operator will make false.

Q 8 - The return keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function.

A - Yes

B - Switch

C - go back

D - goto

Answer : A


In C, the return function stops the execution of a function and returns control with value to the calling function. Execution begins in the calling function by instantly following the call.

Q 9 - Which printf() statement will you use to print out a (float value) and b (double value)?

   Float a = 3.14;
   Double b = 3.14;

A - printf("%f %lf", a, b);

B - printf("%f %f", a, b);

C - printf("%Lf %Lf", a, b);

D - printf("%f %Lf", a, b);

Answer : A


%f can be use to print out float value and %lf can be use to print out  double value.

Q 10 - extern int fun(); - The declaration indicates the presence of a global function defined outside the current module or in another file.

A - True

B - False

Answer : A


Extern is used to resolve the scope of global identifier.
