Count Odd and Even numbers in a range from L to R in C++

We are given a range starting from L to R of integer values and the task is to calculate the count of odd numbers and the even numbers in the range.

Input − L = 7, R = 17

Output − Count of Even numbers in a range from L to R are − 5

Count of Odd numbers in a range from L to R are − 6

Input − L = 1, R = 10

Output − Count of Even numbers in a range from L to R are − 5

Count of Odd numbers in a range from L to R are − 5

Approach used in the below program is as follows

  • Input the range starting from L to R

  • Pass the L and R values to the function to find out the even values and then we will calculate the odd values depending upon the return value.

  • Start loop FOR from i to L till R

  • Inside the loop, check IF i%2==0 then increment the even count by 1

  • Return the even count

  • Now to calculate the odd count set odd as (R - L + 1) - even


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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int Odd_Even(int L, int R){
   int even = 0;
   for(int i = L ;i < R ;i++){
   return even;
int main(){
   int L = 7, R = 17;
   int even = Odd_Even(L, R);
   int odd = (R - L + 1) - even;
   cout<<"Count of Even numbers in a range from L to R are: "<<even<<endl;
   cout<<"Count of Odd numbers in a range from L to R are: "<<odd;
   return 0;


If we run the above code it will generate the following output −

Count of Even numbers in a range from L to R are: 5
Count of Odd numbers in a range from L to R are: 6

Updated on: 31-Aug-2020


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