Concurrency processing in Operating System


Concurrency processing is the ability of an operating system to execute multiple tasks simultaneously, allowing for efficient utilization of resources and improved performance. In today's computing environment, with the availability of multi-core CPUs and high-speed networking, concurrency processing has become increasingly important for operating systems to meet the demands of users.

Definition of concurrency processing

Concurrency processing, also known as concurrent processing, refers to the ability of an operating system to execute multiple tasks or processes simultaneously, allowing for efficient utilization of resources and improved performance. It involves the parallel execution of tasks, with the operating system managing and coordinating the tasks to ensure that they do not interfere with each other. Concurrency processing is typically achieved through techniques such as process scheduling, multi-threading, and parallel processing, and it is a critical technology in modern operating systems, enabling them to provide the performance, scalability, and responsiveness required by today's computing environment.

Importance of concurrency processing in modern operating systems

Concurrency processing is of paramount importance in modern operating systems due to the following reasons −

  • Improved performance − With the advent of multi-core processors, modern operating systems can execute multiple threads or processes simultaneously, leading to improved system performance. Concurrency processing enables the operating system to make optimal use of available resources, thereby maximizing system throughput.

  • Resource utilization − Concurrency processing allows for better utilization of system resources such as CPU, memory, and I/O devices. By executing multiple threads or processes concurrently, the operating system can use idle resources to execute other tasks, leading to better resource utilization.

  • Enhanced responsiveness − Concurrency processing enables the operating system to handle multiple user requests simultaneously, leading to improved system responsiveness. This is particularly important in applications that require real-time processing, such as online gaming or financial trading applications.

  • Scalability − Concurrency processing enables the operating system to scale efficiently as the number of users or tasks increases. By executing tasks concurrently, the operating system can handle a larger workload, leading to better system scalability.

  • Flexibility − Concurrency processing enables the operating system to execute tasks independently, making it easier to manage and maintain the system. This flexibility makes it possible to develop complex applications that require multiple threads or processes without compromising system performance.

Overall, concurrency processing is a critical technology in modern operating systems, enabling them to provide the performance, responsiveness, and scalability required by today's computing environment.

Type of concurrency processing in operating system

There are several types of concurrency processing techniques used in operating systems, including −

  • Process scheduling − This is the most basic form of concurrency processing, in which the operating system executes multiple processes one after the other, with each process given a time slice to execute before being suspended and replaced by the next process in the queue.

  • Multi-threading − This involves the use of threads within a process, with each thread executing a different task concurrently. Threads share the same memory space within a process, allowing them to communicate and coordinate with each other easily.

  • Parallel processing − This involves the use of multiple processors or cores within a system to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. Parallel processing is typically used for computationally intensive tasks, such as scientific simulations or video rendering.

  • Distributed processing − This involves the use of multiple computers or nodes connected by a network to execute a single task. Distributed processing is typically used for large-scale, data-intensive applications, such as search engines or social networks.

Process Scheduling

Definition of process scheduling

Process scheduling is a core operating system function that manages the allocation of system resources, particularly the CPU, among multiple running processes. Process scheduling is necessary for achieving concurrency processing, as it allows the operating system to execute multiple processes or threads simultaneously.

Scheduling algorithms

There are several scheduling algorithms used in operating systems, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The three most common scheduling algorithms are −

  • Round-robin scheduling − This is a simple scheduling algorithm in which each process or thread is given a fixed time slice, after which it is preempted and replaced by the next process or thread in the queue. Round-robin scheduling ensures that each process or thread gets a fair share of CPU time and is particularly useful for timesharing systems.

  • Priority-based scheduling − This algorithm assigns a priority level to each process or thread based on its importance or urgency. The operating system gives higher priority to processes or threads with higher priority levels, ensuring that critical tasks are executed first. Priority-based scheduling is commonly used in real-time operating systems, where response time is critical.

  • Lottery scheduling − This is a randomized scheduling algorithm that assigns a certain number of "lottery tickets" to each process or thread. The operating system then selects a winning ticket at random and executes the process or thread associated with that ticket. Lottery scheduling ensures that each process or thread has a chance of being executed and is particularly useful for systems with a large number of processes or threads.


Definition of multi-threading

Multi-threading is a technique used in operating systems and programming languages that allows multiple threads of execution to run concurrently within a single process. Each thread runs independently of the others, allowing multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously.

Advantages of multi-threading

  • Improved performance − Multi-threading allows applications to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, resulting in faster execution times and improved overall performance.

  • Increased resource utilization − By allowing multiple threads to execute concurrently within a single process, multi-threading improves resource utilization and ensures that system resources, such as the CPU and memory, are used more efficiently.

  • Enhanced responsiveness − Multi-threading enables applications to respond more quickly to user requests, as it allows background tasks to continue executing while the application responds to user input.

Parallel Processing

Definition of parallel processing

Parallel processing is a technique used in operating systems and computer architecture that allows multiple tasks or instructions to be executed simultaneously on multiple processors or processing cores. Parallel processing can be achieved through hardware, such as multiple processors or cores on a single chip, or through software, such as multi-threading or distributed computing.

Advantages of parallel processing

  • Increased processing speed − Parallel processing allows multiple processors or processing cores to work together to execute multiple tasks or instructions simultaneously, resulting in significantly faster processing speeds than single-core processors.

  • Improved performance − Parallel processing improves system performance and throughput, allowing applications to handle large amounts of data and perform complex calculations more efficiently.

Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion

Definition of synchronization and mutual exclusion

Synchronization and mutual exclusion are techniques used in concurrency processing to ensure that multiple threads or processes can access shared resources without causing conflicts or data corruption. Synchronization refers to the coordination of actions between threads or processes, while mutual exclusion refers to the prevention of multiple threads or processes from accessing the same resource simultaneously.

Importance of synchronization and mutual exclusion in concurrency processing

Synchronization and mutual exclusion are essential for ensuring the correctness and consistency of data in concurrent systems. Without proper synchronization and mutual exclusion mechanisms, concurrent access to shared resources can result in race conditions, deadlocks, and other types of concurrency-related issues.

Synchronization Mechanisms

  • Semaphores − A semaphore is a synchronization mechanism that allows threads or processes to signal each other and coordinate their actions. Semaphores can be used to limit the number of threads or processes that can access a shared resource at any given time.

  • Mutexes − A mutex is a synchronization mechanism that provides exclusive access to a shared resource. A thread or process must acquire a mutex before accessing the resource and release it when it is finished to allow other threads or processes to access the resource.

  • Monitors − A monitor is a synchronization mechanism that combines mutexes and condition variables to provide synchronized access to shared resources. Monitors allow threads to wait for a resource to become available without using CPU cycles, reducing contention and improving efficiency.

Mutual exclusion mechanisms

  • Semaphores − Semaphores can also be used for mutual exclusion, as they can be used to limit access to a shared resource to a single thread or process at a time.

  • Mutexes − Mutexes are primarily used for mutual exclusion, as they provide exclusive access to a shared resource and prevent multiple threads or processes from accessing the resource simultaneously.

  • Monitors − Monitors can also be used for mutual exclusion, as they provide synchronized access to shared resources and prevent contention between threads or processes.


Concurrency processing is a crucial aspect of modern operating systems that allows for the efficient execution of multiple tasks simultaneously. Process scheduling, multi-threading, and parallel processing are key techniques used to achieve concurrency, while synchronization and mutual exclusion ensure the correct and consistent use of shared resources. The importance of concurrency processing lies in its ability to improve performance, increase resource utilization, and enhance responsiveness in complex computing systems. However, the implementation of concurrency processing is not without its challenges, such as race conditions, deadlocks, and starvation. Nevertheless, with careful design and implementation, concurrency processing can enable powerful and efficient computing systems.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023

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