Components of IoT and Relation with Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an important part of making the Internet of Things a success. Using cloud computing, customers are able to complete their computing activities by utilizing online service providers. Incorporating IoT devices and services into cloud infrastructure has acted as a catalyst, creating a new relationship between IoT and cloud computing. These cutting-edge innovations are truly groundbreaking.

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) simply refers to any device which can be attached to the web and managed or monitored remotely from a computer, tablet, or smartphone via the web.

Everything from tiny tracking chips to genuine, smart cars on the road can be included in the Internet of Things. IP addresses are given to everything that connects to the internet so that it may be tracked individually. Successful implementation of IoT relies on embedded systems and technology.

The benefits of implementing IoT

There is no limit to the number of things that can be linked to the web and managed remotely. By automating systems, we can ensure that sensors constantly upload data to the cloud, where it can be analyzed using a variety of algorithms (including Machine Learning Techniques) and used to provide useful results. Moreover, the clouds can take predetermined behavior in response to sensor information based on the outcomes.

By keeping an eye on our houses, offices, etc., with our smart gadgets, we can feel more at ease. Industrial settings often use automated rapid responses to mitigate the effects of changes to critical operating parameters. (Automatic license plate readers are a part of traffic control systems.)

Check out those hard-to-surveil areas as Well

  • Internet of Things Applications in Agriculture, Healthcare, etc.

  • Intelligent Apparel, Automobiles, and Vehicles.

  • Creating a Smarter Grid and Smarter Industries.

  • The rise of "smart" cities and "smart" electrical grids.

How the main parts of IoT work together?

Items or Equipment − These include sensors and moving parts. Actuators do the actual work, whereas sensors just gather information and send it to the Gateway.

Gateway − Data is sent from the sensors to the Gateway, where initial processing of the information is performed. It adds protection to the network and the information being sent.

Cloud − After data is collected, it is stored in the cloud. Cloud, in its most basic definition, is simply a network of servers that are always linked to the internet.

Analytics − After data has been uploaded to the cloud, further processing can be performed. Data analysis algorithms of several types are used here.

Input or Output Interface − This is the part of the system where the users directly interact with the data system.

Does IoT absolutely need to be hosted in the cloud?

Putting it simply, the answer is no because we don't need to send any data to the cloud in order to perform the processing; we can do it locally. And the reason we link cloud computing and IoT is equally elementary: cloud computing allows for scalability and minimal operational costs.

A reduction in IoT job growth is possible if we cease utilizing Cloud resources.

Here, therefore, are some advantages of cloud computing

  • Fewer resources are needed for the new facility setup.

  • Extremely Scalable.

  • Using a pay-as-you-go model.

  • It's quite convenient to be able to just use the internet to go to it.

Now basically, what is "Cloud Computing"?

Simply explained, it's the practice of using remote servers to store and retrieve information and provide computer services rather than keeping data in a local repository. Thanks to cloud computing, we can now store these data files remotely. It's the same as having access to a powerful machine on the internet and making limited use of its processing power.

Characteristics important to Cloud Computing

  • Service at Your Convenience.

  • Open access to a large network.

  • The sharing of assets.

  • Ready scalability of all available factors at the drop of a hat.

  • Pay as you go.

The Cloud: How to Use It

Providers of "IaaS" (Infrastructure as a Service) − That's the bare bones of cloud computing. Allocating the hardware to meet demand is the only thing we do; everything else, from the operating system to the applications, is up to us.

PAAS stands for "Platform as a Service." − Hardware, operating systems, and the like are outside the scope of this discussion. Here, however, we get to pick and choose which programs will be included in our virtual environment. In layman's words, it's an atmosphere for the sake of Development.

"Software as a service" (SaaS) − In this case, users are free to run the authorized programs. It's a lot like "cloud" applications. Simply put, we pay for access to the services we need and then use those services through subscriptions to apps in the cloud.

What difficulties exist in IoT?

Security − Poorly built gadgets are becoming more vulnerable to security breaches as the quantity of internet-connected devices continues to rise.

Privacy − Users' information must be safeguarded against theft because their every move can be tracked.

Standards − As a result, there is a lack of well-defined standards and written materials that detail best practices.

Regulation − Data transfers across international borders, data retention and deletion regulations, etc., all raise legal concerns in the context of the Internet.

Development − Instead of limiting its application to economically developed nations, it should be widened to include those in the emerging and underdeveloped worlds as well.


The difficulty of storing, analyzing, and gaining access to large volumes of data has emerged as a result of the exponential Development of information technology. When combination of the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing is used together, the robust processing of sensitive data streams and innovative monitoring services will be at your disposal. Examples of data that can be uploaded and stored using cloud computing include sensor data for the purpose of intelligent monitoring & activity using other devices. The objective is to derive value from data by taking efficient and fruitful action.

Updated on: 15-Mar-2023


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