Comparing two strings in C++

Here we will see how to compare two strings in C++. The C++ has string class. It also has the compare() function in the standard library to compare strings. This function checks the string characters one by one, if some mismatches are there, it returns the non-zero values. Let us see the code to get better idea.


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using namespace std;
void compareStrings(string s1, string s2) {
   int compare =;
   if (compare != 0)
      cout << s1 << " is not equal to "<< s2 << endl;
   else if(compare == 0)
      cout << "Strings are equal";
   if (compare > 0)
      cout << s1 << " is greater than "<< s2 << " difference is: " << compare << endl;
   else if(compare < 0)
      cout << s2 << " is greater than "<< s1 << " difference is: " << compare << endl;
int main() {
   string s1("hello");
   string s2("helLo");
   compareStrings(s1, s2);


hello is not equal to helLo
hello is greater than helLo difference is: 1

Updated on: 18-Dec-2019


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