Compare two arrays with some NaN values and return the element-wise minimum in Numpy

To compare two arrays with some NaN values and return the element-wise minimum, use the numpy.maximum() method in Python Numpy

  • If one of the elements being compared is a NaN, then that element is returned.

  • If both elements are NaNs then the first is returned

  • The latter distinction is important for complex NaNs, which are defined as at least one of the real or imaginary parts being a NaN.

  • The net effect is that NaNs are propagated.

Returns the minimum of x1 and x2, element-wise. This is a scalar if both x1 and x2 are scalars.

Compare two arrays and returns a new array containing the element-wise minima. If one of the elements being compared is a NaN, then that element is returned. If both elements are NaNs then the first is returned. The latter distinction is important for complex NaNs, which are defined as at least one of the real or imaginary parts being a NaN. The net effect is that NaNs are propagated.


At first, import the required library −

import numpy as np

Creating two 2D numpy array using the array() method. We have inserted elements with some nan values −

arr1 = np.array([[6, np.nan, np.nan],[25, 11, 0]])
arr2 = np.array([[8, 12, np.nan],[22, 0, 26]])

Display the arrays −

print("Array 1...
", arr1) print("
Array 2...
", arr2)

Get the type of the arrays −

Our Array 1 type...
", arr1.dtype) print("
Our Array 2 type...
", arr2.dtype)

Get the dimensions of the Arrays −

Our Array 1 Dimensions...
",arr1.ndim) print("
Our Array 2 Dimensions...

Get the shape of the Arrays −

Our Array 1 Shape...
",arr1.shape) print("
Our Array 2 Shape...

To compare two arrays with some NaN values and return the element-wise minimum, use the numpy.maximum() method −

Result (minimum)...
",np.minimum(arr1, arr2))


import numpy as np

# Creating two 2D numpy array using the array() method
# We have inserted elements with some nan values
arr1 = np.array([[6, np.nan, np.nan], [25, 11, 0]])
arr2 = np.array([[8, 12, np.nan],[22, 0, 26]])

# Display the arrays
print("Array 1...
", arr1) print("
Array 2...
", arr2) # Get the type of the arrays print("
Our Array 1 type...
", arr1.dtype) print("
Our Array 2 type...
", arr2.dtype) # Get the dimensions of the Arrays print("
Our Array 1 Dimensions...
",arr1.ndim) print("
Our Array 2 Dimensions...
",arr2.ndim) # Get the shape of the Arrays print("
Our Array 1 Shape...
",arr1.shape) print("
Our Array 2 Shape...
",arr2.shape) # To compare two arrays with some NaN values and return the elementwise minimum, use the numpy.maximum() method in Python Numpy # If one of the elements being compared is a NaN, then that element is returned. # If both elements are NaNs then the first is returned. # The latter distinction is important for complex NaNs, which are defined as at least one of the real or imaginary parts being a NaN. # The net effect is that NaNs are propagated. print("
Result (minimum)...
",np.minimum(arr1, arr2))


Array 1...
[[ 6. nan nan]
[25. 11. 0.]]

Array 2...
[[ 8. 12. nan]
[22. 0. 26.]]

Our Array 1 type...

Our Array 2 type...

Our Array 1 Dimensions...

Our Array 2 Dimensions...

Our Array 1 Shape...
(2, 3)

Our Array 2 Shape...
(2, 3)

Result (minimum)...
[[ 6. nan nan]
[22. 0. 0.]]

Updated on: 07-Feb-2022


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