Columnar Data Model of NoSQL

There is a rising trend toward using unconventional database types in an effort to efficiently accommodate the variety of data and fulfill the growing need for data storage. Relational databases have been the standard for many years. However, as markets evolve and storage costs decline, non-relational databases are becoming popular.

Columnar databases are appropriate for this. These NoSQL databases were designed for challenging, intricate queries. Columnar databases, in contrast to relational databases, store data in columns instead of rows. Subgroups are created by combining these columns.

This kind of database has movable keys and column names. The amount of rows and types of data that may be stored in a column varies across members of the same column family or group of columns.

When a vast data model is required, these databases are most frequently used. They are highly helpful for data warehouses, as well as when high performance or handling demanding queries are required.

What happens in column-oriented databases

Relational databases work as tables with rows and columns and have a predetermined schema. The schema of wide-column databases is comparable yet distinct. They also include columns and rows. They have a dynamic schema rather than being fixed within a table, though. Each column is kept on its own. If there are related or comparable columns, they are combined to form column families, which are then stored apart from other column families.

Each column family's initial column, known as the row key, acts as a row identifier. Additionally, each subsequent column has a column key (name). It allows for the querying of the columns by identifying columns inside rows. The value and timestamp appear after the column key, providing a record of the data's entry or modification timings.

Each row's associated number of columns and their names might differ. To put it another way, a database's columns do not all have the same number of rows. Although they may have a similar name, each column is really contained within a single row and does not span all rows.

Row-oriented model

S No.

Teacher Name




BK Sarkar




Supreeti kaur




Sridher Patnaik




Bhaskar karn



Column-Oriented Model

S No.

Teacher Name



BK Sarkar



Supreeti kaur



Sridher Patnaik



Bhaskar karn


S No.















Those who are familiar with relational databases are aware that each column has the same number of rows, although some of the columns occasionally have null values or appear to be empty. These rows simply do not exist for a given column in wide-column databases, as opposed to being empty.

In a keyspace are the column families. Similar to the function or significance that a schema serves for a relational database, each keyspace contains an entire NoSQL data store. Keyspaces represent a schemaless database with the design of a data store and its own set of properties, whereas NoSQL datastores have no predefined structure.

MariaDB is one of the most well-liked columnar databases out there. It was developed as a fork of MySQL with the goal of being reliable and scalable, capable of handling a wide range of uses and a high volume of queries. Another example of a columnar database that can handle large data loads across several servers and make the data highly available is Apache Cassandra. Other names on this list include the analytics-focused Druid, Hypertable, and Apache HBase. Specific aspects of sites like Outbrain, Spotify, and Facebook are supported by these databases.

Column Family Types

a)Standard column family

This column family type has a key-value pair with the row key as the key, and the values are stored in columns using their names as their identifiers, just like a table does.

b)Super Column Family

An array of columns is represented by a super column. Each super column is represented by a name and a value that maps to a number of distinct columns. Super column families are formed by joining related super columns beneath a single row. This is similar to a view of several separate tables within a database as compared to a relational database. The super column family is what you would get if you could store all the columns and values for a single row—a single identifier across many distinct tables—in a single location.

Advantages of column-oriented databases

Scalability. This is a significant benefit and one of the key justifications for using this kind of database to store massive data. It offers massively parallel processing and may be distributed across hundreds of different servers, depending on the size of the database. This indicates that it can use several processors to carry out the same set of computations at once.

Compression. They are not only endlessly scalable, but they are also effective at compressing data to reduce storage requirements.

really receptive Given that they are intended to retain massive data and be useful for analytics, there is little load time and quick query execution.

Disadvantages of column-oriented databases

Processing of transactions online. These databases are substantially more effective for online analytical processing than for online transactional processing. This indicates that although they are made to examine transactions, they are not particularly effective at updating them. This is the reason they are often seen containing the data needed for business analysis, with the data being stored in a relational database on the back end.

Incremental Data loading As was already noted, column-oriented databases are frequently used for analysis. Because the data is kept close together in columns, they are easy to obtain even while processing complicated queries. Even if incremental data loading is feasible, columnar databases are not the most effective at handling them. The correct rows must first be located by scanning the columns, which must then be scanned once again to find the changed data that needs to be overwritten.

Querying by rows. It all comes down to employing the correct kind of database for the proper goals, much like the possible drawbacks listed above. By using row-specific queries, you add an extra step of identifying the rows by scanning the columns, then finding the data to obtain. Accessing bundled records in a single column is faster than getting individual records dispersed over several columns. In a column-oriented database, which is specifically made to assist you to get to the needed pieces of information fast, frequent row-specific queries may lead to performance concerns by slowing down the database, undermining its purpose.


Relational databases have been the standard for many years. Columnar databases are appropriate for this. This kind of database has movable keys and column names. They are highly helpful for data warehouses, as well as when high performance or handling demanding queries are required. NoSQL databases are not meant to function as a broad form of storage because they are often created to fulfill particular needs.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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