CoffeeScript Math - atan2()


The atan2() method accepts two numbers and returns the arctangent value in radians. This method returns a numeric value between -pi and pi representing the angle theta of an (x, y) point.


Given below is the syntax of atan2() method of JavaScript. We can use the same method in the CoffeeScript code.

Math.atan( x )


The following example demonstrates the usage of the atan2() method in CoffeeScript. Save this code in a file with name

value = Math.atan2 90,15 
console.log "The arc tangent value of 90,15 is : " + value 
value = Math.atan2 15,90
console.log "The arc tangent value of 15,90 is : " + value 
value = Math.atan2 0,-0
console.log "The arc tangent value of 0,-0 is : " + value

value = Math.atan2 +Infinity, -Infinity
console.log "The arc tangent value of +Infinity, -Infinity is : " + value

Open the command prompt and compile the .coffee file as shown below.

c:\> coffee -c

On compiling, it gives you the following JavaScript.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var value;

  value = Math.atan(-1);

  console.log("The arc tangent value of -1 is : " + value);

  value = Math.atan(null);

  console.log("The arc tangent value of null is : " + value);

  value = Math.atan(20);

  console.log("The arc tangent value of 20 is : " + value);


Now, open the command prompt again, and run the CoffeeScript file as shown below.

c:\> coffee

On executing, the CoffeeScript file produces the following output.

The arc tangent value of 90,15 is : 1.4056476493802699
The arc tangent value of 15,90 is : 0.16514867741462683
The arc tangent value of 0,-0 is : 3.141592653589793
The arc tangent value of +Infinity, -Infinity is : 2.356194490192345