CoffeeScript - list comprehensions

In CoffeeScript, we can also store a group of objects in an array. The list comprehensions are used to map an array of objects to another array.


Suppose we have an array of objects in CoffeeScript as [{key1: "value", key2: value}, {key1: "value", key2: value}] then you can iterate these elements using the list comprehension as shown below.

for key,value of  [ {key1: "value", key2: value}, {key1: "value", key2: value} ]
   console.log key+"::"+value


The following example demonstrates the usage of the list comprehension provided by CoffeeScript. Save this code in a file with name

students =[  
    name: "Mohammed" 
    age: 24
    phone: 9848022338 
    name: "Ram" 
    age: 25
    phone: 9800000000 
    name: "Ram" 
    age: 25
    phone: 9800000000   
names = ( for student in students)
console.log names

Open the command prompt and compile the .coffee file as shown below.

c:\> coffee -c

On compiling, it gives you the following JavaScript.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var names, student, students;

  students = [
      name: "Mohammed",
      age: 24,
      phone: 9848022338
    }, {
      name: "Ram",
      age: 25,
      phone: 9800000000
    }, {
      name: "Ram",
      age: 25,
      phone: 9800000000

  names = (function() {
    var i, len, results;
    results = [];
    for (i = 0, len = students.length; i < len; i++) {
      student = students[i];
    return results;



Now, open the command prompt again and run the CoffeeScript file as shown below.


On executing, the CoffeeScript file produces the following output.

[ 'Mohammed', 'Ram', 'Ram' ] 