CoffeeScript Date - getTimezoneOffset()


The getTimezoneOffset() method returns the time-zone offset in minutes for the current locale. The time-zone offset is the minutes in difference, the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is relative to your local time.

For example, if your time zone is GMT+10, -600 will be returned. Daylight savings time prevents this value from being a constant.


Given below is the syntax of getTimezoneOffset() method.

Date. getTimezoneOffset()


The following example demonstrates the usage of the getTimezoneOffset() method in CoffeeScript. Save this code in a file with name

dt = new Date "February 19, 2016 23:15:25:22"
console.log "The time zone offset value of the specified date is : " + dt.getTimezoneOffset()

Open the command prompt and compile the .coffee file as shown below.

c:\> coffee -c date_

On compiling, it gives you the following JavaScript.

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
  var dt;

  dt = new Date("February 19, 2016 23:15:25:22");

  console.log("The time zone offset value of the specified date is : " + dt.getTimezoneOffset());


Now, open the command prompt again, and run the CoffeeScript file as shown below.

c:\> coffee date_

On executing, the CoffeeScript file produces the following output.

The time zone offset value of the specified date is : -330