Calculating total number of Hours, Days, Minutes and Seconds between two dates in Golang

Calculating the total number of hours, days, minutes, and seconds between two dates is achievable in Golang. In this article, we'll go through how to accomplish this in Golang, along with the necessary libraries and sample code.

Calculating the Total Number of Hours, Days, Minutes, and Seconds

In Golang, we may utilise the time package to determine how many hours, days, minutes, and seconds are there between two dates. To modify dates and times, the time package offers a number of functions.

The total number of hours, days, minutes, and seconds between two dates can be calculated in Go using the following example −


package main

import (

func main() {
   start := time.Date(2022, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
   end := time.Date(2022, 01, 02, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

   duration := end.Sub(start)

   fmt.Printf("Total Hours: %v\n", int(duration.Hours()))
   fmt.Printf("Total Days: %v\n", int(duration.Hours()/24))
   fmt.Printf("Total Minutes: %v\n", int(duration.Minutes()))
   fmt.Printf("Total Seconds: %v\n", int(duration.Seconds()))

In this example, the start and finish dates are represented by two separate time objects. The time interval between the two dates was then determined using the Sub function. The total number of hours, days, minutes, and seconds was then determined using the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds functions.


Total Hours: 24
Total Days: 1
Total Minutes: 1440
Total Seconds: 86400

You can see that the output totals the hours, days, minutes, and seconds that passed between the two dates.

Practical Applications

There are several uses for calculating the total number of hours, days, minutes, and seconds between two dates in Golang. For instance −

  • Scheduling − With this calculation, you may figure out how many hours, days, minutes, and seconds there are between the start and finish dates if you need to schedule events between two dates.

  • Analytics − This calculation can be used to ascertain the time interval between two data points if you are monitoring data over time.

  • Billing − Calculate the total number of hours, days, minutes, and seconds that the client used your service if you need to bill customers based on usage time.


The time package in Golang makes it easy to figure out how many hours, days, minutes, and seconds there are between two dates. You may find the total amount of time between two dates by first calculating the time between them and then utilising the appropriate functions. This formula has real-world uses in billing, analytics, and scheduling, among other things.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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