C program to count a letter repeated in a sentence.


Write a program to count a letter, which is entered by the user at console. How many times that letter is repeated in a sentence need to be printed on screen by using strlen() function.


The logics we used to count a letter are as follows −

  • Asking the user to enter a sentence at runtime.
printf("Enter a sentence
"); gets(str);
  • Asking the user to enter a letter at runtime.
printf("Enter a character to check how many times it is repeating
"); scanf("%c",&c);
  • The logic to count the letter in a sentence is as follows −
  • Finally print the count


Following is the C program to count a letter that is repeated for number of times in a sentence −

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   int i,count=0;
   char c,str[100];
   printf("Enter a sentence
");    gets(str);    printf("Enter a character to check how many times it is repeating
");    scanf("%c",&c);    for(i=0;i<strlen(str);i++){       if(str[i]==c){          count++;       }    }    printf("Letter %c repeated %d times
",c,count); }


When the above program is executed, it produces the following output −

Enter a sentence
Here are the C Programming question and answers
Enter a character to check how many times it is repeating
Letter n repeated 4 times

Updated on: 25-Mar-2021

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