BPEL - Partial Processing

Now, we will learn the concept of partial processing in BPEL.

  • The Client BPEL Process sends a request to the Service BPEL Process and receives an immediate response, but processing continues on the service side.

  • This pattern can also include multiple shot callbacks, followed by longer-term processing.

  • For example, the client sends a request to purchase a vacation package, and the service sends an immediate reply confirming the purchase, then continues to book the hotel, the flight, the rental car, and so on.

  • The Client BPEL Process needs an invoke activity for each request and a receive activity for each reply for asynchronous transactions, or just an invoke activity for each synchronous transaction.

  • The Service BPEL Process needs a receive activity for each request from the client, and an invoke activity for each response. Once the responses are finished, the Service BPEL Process as the service can continue with its processing, using the information gathered in the transaction to perform the necessary tasks without any further input from the client.

  • As with all partner activities, the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file defines the interaction.

Partial Processing