Audit Trail in DBMS


An audit trail, also known as a transaction log, is a record of all changes made to a database in a DBMS (database management system). It is used to track and monitor database activity, identify and troubleshoot issues, and ensure data integrity and security. In this article, we will explore the purpose and benefits of audit trails in DBMS, how they work, and provide real-life and SQL code examples of their implementation and use.

What is an audit trail in DBMS?

An audit trail is a chronological record of all database transactions, including insertions, updates, and deletions. It captures both the old and new values of modified data, as well as metadata such as the user or application responsible for the change, the date and time of the change, and the type of change (e.g., insert, update, delete).

An audit trail can be used to track and monitor database activity, identify and troubleshoot issues, and ensure data integrity and security. For example, if a user accidentally deletes important data from the database, the audit trail can be used to identify the responsible user and restore the deleted data. Similarly, if data is corrupted or modified in an unauthorized manner, the audit trail can help to identify the cause and take corrective action.

Types of Audit Trails

In a database management system (DBMS), an audit trail is a record of changes made to the database. There are several types of audit trails that can be used to track changes in a DBMS. The three main types of audit trails are internal, external, and IRS (Internal Revenue Service) audit trails.

  • Internal audit trails − These audit trails are used by organizations to track changes made to their own databases. They are typically used to ensure data integrity, detect and correct errors, and meet regulatory requirements.

  • Example − A company might use an internal audit trail to track changes made to its financial records or customer database.

  • External audit trails − These audit trails are used by external organizations or auditors to review the data in a database. They are often used to verify the accuracy and reliability of the data for regulatory or compliance purposes.

  • Example − An external auditor might use an external audit trail to review the financial records of a company for compliance with accounting standards.

  • IRS audit trails − These audit trails are used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track changes made to tax records. They are used to ensure the accuracy and integrity of tax information and to detect and prevent tax fraud.

  • Example − The IRS might use an IRS audit trail to track changes made to an individual's tax records, such as changes to income or deductions.

Some other important types of audit trails and their examples are mentioned below.

  • Log-based audit trails − These audit trails use a log file to record changes made to the database. The log file contains information about each change, such as the time the change was made, the user who made the change, and the type of change (e.g., insert, update, delete).

  • Example − In a financial database, a log-based audit trail might be used to track changes to account balances or transactions.

  • Trigger-based audit trails − These audit trails use triggers, which are special types of database objects that are activated when a specific event occurs (e.g., a row is inserted or updated). Triggers can be used to record changes made to the database in an audit table.

  • Example − In a healthcare database, a trigger-based audit trail might be used to track changes to patient records, such as changes to medication lists or vital signs.

  • Version-based audit trails − These audit trails use versioning to track changes made to the database. Each time a change is made to a row in the database, a new version of the row is created with the updated data. The old version of the row is retained, allowing you to view the history of changes made to the row.

  • Example − In a project management database, a version-based audit trail might be used to track changes to project tasks, such as changes to due dates or completion status.

  • Shadow tables − These are tables that are used to store copies of rows as they are updated in the main table. The shadow table contains both the old and new versions of the row, allowing you to see the history of changes made to the row.

  • Example − In a customer relationship management (CRM) database, a shadow table might be used to track changes to customer profiles, such as changes to contact information or purchasing history.

SQL Example

Here is an example of an audit trail using SQL that tracks changes made to a table called "employees" −

CREATE TABLE employees_audit ( employee_id INTEGER, action VARCHAR(255), change_time TIMESTAMP, old_data JSON, new_data JSON ); CREATE TRIGGER audit_employee_changes AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON employees FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN INSERT INTO employees_audit (employee_id, action, change_time, old_data) VALUES (, 'DELETE', NOW(), OLD.*); ELSEIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN INSERT INTO employees_audit (employee_id, action, change_time, old_data, new_data) VALUES (, 'UPDATE', NOW(), OLD.*, NEW.*); ELSE INSERT INTO employees_audit (employee_id, action, change_time, new_data) VALUES (, 'INSERT', NOW(), NEW.*); END IF; END;

This SQL code creates an audit table called "employees_audit" and a trigger called "audit_employee_changes". The trigger is activated whenever a row is inserted, updated, or deleted in the "employees" table.

When the trigger is activated, it inserts a new row into the "employees_audit" table with information about the change that was made. The "action" column specifies the type of change (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE), the "change_time" column records the time the change was made, and the "old_data" and "new_data" columns contain the data before and after the change, respectively.

For example, if a row is updated in the "employees" table, the trigger will insert a new row into the "employees_audit" table with the action "UPDATE", the current time, the old data from the row before the update, and the new data from the row after the update. This allows you to track changes made to the "employees" table over time.

Benefits of audit trails in DBMS

There are several benefits to implementing an audit trail in a DBMS −

  • Data integrity and security − Audit trails help to ensure the integrity and security of data by tracking and monitoring all database activity. This can help to prevent unauthorized access, modification, or deletion of data, as well as detect and correct errors or corruption.

  • Compliance − Many industries and organizations have strict regulations and compliance requirements for data management, such as the GDPR for personal data in the EU or HIPAA for healthcare data in the US. Audit trails can help organizations meet these requirements by providing a record of all database activity and ensuring that data is handled in a secure and compliant manner.

  • Troubleshooting and issue resolution − Audit trails can be used to identify and troubleshoot issues with the database, such as errors, corruption, or unauthorized access. They can also help to resolve issues by providing a record of the changes that led to the problem, allowing for corrective action to be taken.

  • Auditing and forensic analysis − Audit trails can be used for auditing and forensic analysis to investigate potential security breaches or fraudulent activity. They provide a detailed record of all database activity that can be used to identify and track suspicious activity.


To conclude, an audit trail is a record of changes made to a database in a DBMS. It is used to ensure data integrity, detect and correct errors, and meet regulatory requirements. There are several types of audit trails that can be used, including log-based, trigger-based, version-based, and shadow tables.

Updated on: 10-Jan-2023

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