Meditation Improves Attention

From the time you wake up till the time you sleep, your brain keeps sending and receiving messages through a network of nerve connections, which are called “brainwaves”. Each brainwave is linked with different activities like sleep, attention, music, relaxation etc. These brainwaves are classified into Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma rays.


Alpha Brainwaves

Alpha Brainwaves Alpha brainwaves signal relaxed consciousness. They are considered as the brainwaves of meditation as they increase creativity and are linked with positive feelings and tranquility. When a person is awake, but not intently focused on something, he is in Alpha. This is the best state for intuitive thinking.

Beta Brainwaves

Beta brainwaves signal wakefulness. They are linked with focus and attentiveness. These brainwaves are used to solve problems, so they are also linked to feelings of trepidation and anxiety. When you are awake, you are in Beta. Meditation slows down Beta brainwaves, calms you down, makes you less anxious and helps you focus on the other brainwaves.

Theta Brainwaves

Theta waves signal a deep state of meditation or hypnosis. People in light sleep are also in Theta state. They are linked with dreams and short term memory. They help you recall facts and are more active in children than adults. A person in Theta is not completely aware of what is going on around.

Delta Brainwaves

Delta waves signal a deep slumber without any dreams. This is considered as the slowest brainwave pattern, moving at 1.5 to 4 cycles per second. Some people enter delta when they are meditating. Only experienced practitioners can attain reach delta waves while still remaining awake.

Gamma Brainwaves

Gamma waves signal the ability to relate and process information. It increases memory power and maintains sharpness in senses. High gamma waves make a person more positive, active and content. It also makes people intelligent than others, they can also be attained through meditation. Meditation helps you have a control over these brainwaves. When we meditate, different meditation techniques influence brain waves that are responsible for different activities.

However, meditation is not the only way to increase focus and attentiveness. There are different methods that help also help us in this objective. One of the most common among them is “Visualization”.

In visualization techniques, a person is asked to use his imagination to create mental images that an instructor asks him to do. This increases brain activity and brings immense focus on work.

Every individual is different from the other, so they need different method or combination of methods to concentrate more. One has to understand the method best suited to him.
