Android Studio Main Window


Android Studio is an official IDE for android development. It is used by many android developers for developing android applications. It is developed by Intellij. Android studio provided so many inbuilt functionalities which makes the app development process more easier. Various functionalities provided by Android studio are as follows −

  • It provides a different set of emulators for testing our mobile applications across various devices with different android versions as well as different sdk versions.

  • Android studio provides support for different programming languages such as C++, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript and many more.

  • Android Studio provides built in service to make the Firebase integration within our application easy.

  • It provides a built-in Github plugin to manage version control for your project.

  • It provides various sets of tools and frameworks which makes development of the applications easier.

  • It also provides offline support for gradle plugins used within the application.

  • With android studio we can develop mobile applications for flutter as well by simply installing flutter and dart plugins.

  • It provides so many app analyzing, app debugging tools to make development of the application faster.

Before starting development for any android application one should have basic knowledge of How to use the Android Studio IDE for developing mobile applications. What are the different options present within the android studio and the usage of each of the options within our android project.

In this article we will take a look on different options present within our Android studio having version of 2021.3.1

From the above screen shot we will take a look at different options present within our Android Studio.

1 Top Toolbar

This toolbar contains several functions which are used to manage our android studio project. The top toolbar consist of below options which are as follows −

  • File − This option is used to manage your projects. We can create a new project, open an existing android studio project as well as manage existing projects within android studio.

  • Edit − This option is used to make simple copy, paste and undo operations on the code which we write within our android studio project.

  • View − This option is used to change the Android studio appearance, view the recent commits which are being made within the android studio project.

  • Navigate − This is like a search option with the help of this user will be able to navigate to different files within our android studio project by simply searching with file name.

  • Code − This option is used to maintain the code within our project. We can clean, manage and analyze the code which is written within our project.

  • Refractor − This option is used to rename some files, move or copy files within our android studio project.

  • Build − This option is used to generate bundles, APK files of our android studio project. We can build our project as well as analyze our apk using this option.

  • Run − This option is used to run our project on a specific emulator or device. We can also manage the break points within our project using this option.

  • Tools − This option consists of SDK and Device Manager settings which is used to manage SDK and android emulator device settings. Along with that we can add Firebase to our project from this option itself.

  • Git − This option is used to maintain version control of our project. We can push, pull as well as commit our project by using this option.

  • Window − This option is used to manage the window of our android studio, we can manage different tabs using the window option.

  • Help − This option is used to find any settings within our android studio project.

2 Project Name Indicator

This option displays the name of your project. Along with that it also displays the file name which is currently open within your android studio project.

3 Toolbar

This toolbar is used to run our application on a real device or an emulator. There is a debug option also present which is used to debug our project. We can sync our project as well as we can view different emulators to manage all the emulators installed within our android studio. The search option is present which is use to search for different files within our project. And a Google Sign In option is present which is used to log in to android studio using your gmail credentials so that we can easily use Google cloud services within our android application from the same Google account.

4 Code Editor Window

Code Editor Window is used to write code for different files within our Android Studio project. We can write the code, make changes and add different widgets within our android application from this code editor window.

5 Project Navigator

This window consists of set of different files which are being used within our android application. It consists of all images, vectors, code related files as well as gradle files which are being used within our android studio project. All the files which are present within our Android studio project are accessible from this window.

6 Left Tool Window Bar

This window consists of set of different options which we can use to manage the different files within our project which are as below −

  • Project − This function is used to show and hide all the files which are present within our Android Studio Project.

  • Resource Manager − This is used to manage all the resources present within our Android Studio project such as Drawable files and others.

  • Structure − This option is used to view and hide the structure of the android studio project.

  • BookMarks − This option is used to hide and display all the bookmarks within our android studio project.

  • Build variants − This option is used to see build variants of our project to make sure whether the app is running in release variant or debug variant.

7 File Navigation Bar

This window is used to see the file path which is currently open inside our Android studio project. From this navigation bar we can easily navigate to the files within our project and can navigate to any file within our project.

8 Bottom Tool Window Bar

Bottom Tool Window Bar consists of several different options which are used to manage the running tasks of our android studio project. There are several options present within Bottom Tool Window Bar which are as follows −

  • Version Control − This option is used to manage version control of our project. From this option we can keep a track on the project's versions.

  • TODO − This option is used to easily navigate to the TODS which are marked within our project to make changes.

  • Problems − This option is used to check for the problems which are occurring within our project while executing.

  • Terminal − Terminal is used to run any command such as for building a project or making a git request within our project.

  • Logcat − Logcat option is used to view the logs generated by the application during the time of execution.

  • App Inspection − This is used to inspect the app which is currently running within a real device or an emulator.

  • Build − This option provides us the build output which is being generated while generating a build.

  • Profiler − This option is used to keep track of any specific process which is currently being performed within our android application.

9 App Status Bar

App Status Bar is used to display the current status of our project. It informs us about the errors, status of the project which is currently running within our android device or emulator.


In this article we have taken a look at Android studio main window and different options which are present inside Android studio. We have also taken a look on What are the usage of each of the options within android studio.

Updated on: 20-Feb-2023


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