Anchor Pseudo-classes in CSS

Using CSS pseudo-class selectors, namely, :active, :hover, :link and :visited we can style different states of a link/anchor. For proper functionality, the order of these selectors should be −

  • :link
  • :visited
  • :hover
  • :active

The syntax of CSS psudo-class property is as follows −

a:(pseudo-selector) {


Let’s see an example to use CSS Anchor Pseudo Classes −

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<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
   display: flex;
   float: left;
a {
   margin: 20px;
   padding: 10px;
   border: 2px solid black;
   text-shadow: -1px 0px black, 0px -1px black, 0px 1px black, 1px 0px black;
   font-size: 1.1em;
a:link {
   text-decoration: none;
a:visited {
   color: blueviolet;
a:hover {
   color: orange;
   font-size: 150%;
   font-weight: bold;
   box-shadow: 0 0 5px 1px grey;
a:active {
   color: red;
   box-shadow: inset 0 0 15px red;
<h2>Your favourite sports?</h2>
<a href="#">Football</a>
<a href="">Cricket</a>


Initial output −

On hovering the first link, we get the following output

During click of the first link, the following output is returned −

Let’s see another example of CSS Anchor Pseudo Class −


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Anchor Pseudo Classes</title>
div {
   color: #000;
   background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, grey 0%, white 100%);
   text-align: center;
.anchor {
   color: #FF8A00;
.anchor:last-child {
   color: #03A9F4;
.anchor:visited {
   color: #FEDC11;
.anchor:hover {
   color: #C303C3;
.anchor:active {
   color: #4CAF50;
<h1>Search Engines</h1>
<a class="anchor" href="" target="_blank">Go To Google</a>
<a class="anchor" href="" target="_blank">Go To Bing</a>


Updated on: 08-Jul-2020

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