Advantages and Disadvantages of Optical character Reader (OCR)

Optical Character Reader (OCR) is a technology that uses optical techniques to recognize and extract text from printed or handwritten documents. OCR technology has been widely used in various fields such as banking, education, and healthcare to automate the process of data entry and retrieval. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of OCR technology and how it is being used in different industries.

Advantages of OCR

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

One of the main advantages of OCR technology is its ability to increase efficiency and productivity. OCR technology can be used to automate the process of data entry and retrieval, which can save a significant amount of time and money. This is particularly useful for businesses that have to process large volumes of data on a regular basis. For example, a bank that receives thousands of checks every day can use OCR technology to quickly and accurately process the checks, reducing the time and resources required to manually enter the data.

Improved Data Accuracy

Another advantage of OCR technology is its ability to improve data accuracy. OCR technology is able to recognize and extract text from printed or handwritten documents with a high degree of accuracy. This can be particularly useful in fields such as healthcare where accurate data is critical. For example, a hospital can use OCR technology to accurately extract patient information from medical records, reducing the risk of errors and improving patient care.


OCR technology is also cost-effective. The cost of OCR software has significantly decreased in recent years, making it accessible to a wider range of businesses and organizations. Additionally, OCR technology can save businesses money in the long run by reducing the need for manual data entry and retrieval.

Digitalization of Data

OCR technology can be used to digitize paper-based documents, which can be stored and accessed electronically. This can be particularly useful for businesses and organizations that have to maintain large volumes of documents. For example, a library can use OCR technology to digitize their entire collection of books, making them available to users online.

Improved Searchability

OCR technology can also improve the searchability of digital documents. By extracting text from printed or handwritten documents, OCR technology makes it possible to search for specific information within a document. This can be particularly useful for businesses and organizations that have to maintain large volumes of documents.

Disadvantages of OCR

Limited OCR software

One of the main disadvantages of OCR technology is that it is limited to the OCR software that is being used. Some OCR software is better than others and is able to recognize and extract text with a higher degree of accuracy. Additionally, not all OCR software is able to recognize text in different languages or handwriting styles.

Dependence on Quality of Original Document

Another disadvantage of OCR technology is that it is dependent on the quality of the original document. If the original document is of poor quality, it can be difficult for OCR software to recognize and extract text accurately. This can be particularly problematic for businesses and organizations that have to process large volumes of documents of varying quality.

Dependence on Format

OCR technology is also dependent on the format of the original document. Some OCR software is better than others at recognizing and extracting text from different document formats. This can be particularly problematic for businesses and organizations that have to process large volumes of documents in different formats.

High Initial Costs

The initial costs of OCR technology can be high. Businesses and organizations have to invest in OCR software, hardware, and training to use the technology effectively. Additionally, businesses and organizations may also have to invest in additional resources to manage and maintain the OCR system.

Limited to Text Recognition

OCR technology is limited to text recognition and is not able to recognize or extract other types of data such as images or graphics. This can be problematic for businesses and organizations that have to process documents that contain a combination of text and other types of data.

Examples of OCR in Different Industries


Banks use OCR technology to automate the process of processing checks. OCR technology is used to recognize and extract information such as the account number, routing number, and check amount from the check. This can significantly reduce the time and resources required to manually process checks.


Universities and schools use OCR technology to digitize and archive student records. OCR technology is used to recognize and extract student information such as name, date of birth, and student ID number. This can improve the efficiency and accuracy of student records management.


Hospitals use OCR technology to automate the process of processing medical records. OCR technology is used to recognize and extract patient information such as name, date of birth, and medical history. This can improve the efficiency and accuracy of patient care.


OCR technology has a wide range of advantages, including increased efficiency and productivity, improved data accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. However, there are also some disadvantages to OCR technology, including limited OCR software, dependence on the quality of the original document, and high initial costs. OCR technology is widely used in various fields such as banking, education, and healthcare to automate the process of data entry and retrieval. Businesses and organizations should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of OCR technology before implementing it in their operations.

Updated on: 30-Jan-2023

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