What kinds of programs are available in MySQL database to manage MySQL server?

MySQL database provides us the following programs as administrative tools to manage MySQL server −


It is also known as MySQL server daemon. It is the main program that does most of the work in a MySQL installation. We need to use ‘mysqld’ to start our MySQL server. It is having many options that can be specified at the time of startup.


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Basically ‘mysqladmin’ could be a client for playacting administrative operations. we are able to use it to see the server’s configuration and current status, to create and drop databases, and plenty of a lot of.

For an example, with the help of the following command using option –ping with ‘mysqladmin’, we can check whether MySQL server is alive or not −

C:\mysql\bin>mysqladmin -u root ping
mysqld is alive

And if we want to create a new database then it can be done with the help of the following command −

C:\mysql\bin>mysqladmin -u root create Tutorials

Many other administrative operations can be performed by using different options with ‘mysqladmin’.


Basically, it is a command-line interface for end users to manage user data objects.


It is a command-line interface for end users to perform table maintenance like checking, repairing, optimizing and analyzing the tables. It must be used when the ‘mysqld’ server is running because then we do not have to stop the server to perform table maintenance.


It is a command-line interface for end users to see information on tables and columns. It is used to quickly see which databases exist, their tables, or table’s columns or indexes.


It is a command-line interface for administrators or ends users to export data from the server to files. Basically, it performs logical backups which produce a set of SQL statements that can be executed to reproduce the original database object definitions and table data. The mysqldump command can generate output in CSV, other delimited text, or XML format.


 It is a command-line interface for administrators or ends users to load data files into tables program tool to load data into tables.

Updated on: 20-Jun-2020


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