What are the different wildcard characters that can be used with MySQL RLIKE operator?

The use of wildcards with RLIKE operators can save a lot of effort when we write a query that looks for some pattern (regular expression) in character string. The wildcards used with RLIKE are:

  • ^ − It signifies BEGINING of the string. In other words when we use this wildcard with RLIKE operator then it will find the pattern that begins with the particular string written after ^ wildcard


 mysql> Select Id, Name from Student WHERE Name RLIKE '^H';
 | id   | Name    |
 | 15   | Harshit |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  •  $ − It signifies END of the string. In other words when we use this wildcard with RLIKE operator then it will find the pattern that ends with the particular string written after $ wildcard.


mysql> Select Id, Name from Student WHERE Name RLIKE 'v$';
| Id   | Name   |
| 1    | Gaurav |
| 2    | Aarav  |
| 20   | Gaurav |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  •  | −It means OR. In other words when we use this wildcard with RLIKE operator then it will find the string which will have either substring written with | wildcard.


mysql> Select Id, Name from Student WHERE Name RLIKE 'Gaurav|raj';
| Id   | Name    |
| 1    | Gaurav  |
| 20   | Gaurav  |
| 21   | Yashraj |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Updated on: 20-Jun-2020


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