Include a header for a document or section in HTML5?

Header tag is used to represent a container consists of set of navigational links or introductory content. It consists of one or more heading elements, icons and authorship information.

In HTML we can place number of <header> elements, but <header> element cannot be placed within a <footer>, another <header> or <address>. <header> tag consists of starting tag, ending tag, in between that content is placed.


Following is the usage of <header> tag in HTML −

<header> …………</header>


Following example of <header> tag in HTML −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <h1>Header Tag</h1>
         <h3>TutorialsPoint Demonstrate the Header Tag</h3>
         <p>Article written by BhanuPriya</p>
         <p> Header tag is used to represent a container consists of set of navigational links or introductory content . It consists of one or more heading elements, icons and authorship information. </p>

We can apply CSS to <header> element with default values, below is the syntax used to by most browsers to display <header> element.

   display: block;


In the following example we are using the <header> tag in HTML to represent navigation links.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <h1>HTML Header Tags represent Links</h1>
      <a href=""> C Programming</a> || <a href=""> Operating System</a> || <a href=""> RDBMS</a> || <a href=""> Networking</a>

Including a section in a HTML document

A Section is one of the tag used in HTML, which defines the section of document like header, footers, chapters etc.,

  • Section tag divides the content of document into two parts, section and subsections.

  • It is useful when there is a requirement of two headers or footers or chapter or other sections of document needed.

  • Section tag groups the related content in a generic block.

  • It is a semantic element, that describes meaning to browser as well as developer.

  • Section has open and closing tags, <section> </section>


Following is the usage of section tag in HTML -

<section> Content </section>


Let us see an example of the section tag −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <h1>Tutorials Point</h1>
   <!-- html section tag is used here -->
      <h2>----- Section 1-----</h2>
      <p>HTML Tutorial</p>
      <h2>----- Section 2-----</h2>
      <p>JAVA Tutorial</p>
      <h2>-----Section 3-----</h2>
      <p>Oracle Tutorial</p>

Updated on: 10-Oct-2023


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