How to add new array elements at the beginning of an array in JavaScript?

We will learn how to add new array elements at the beginning of an array in JavaScript. To achieve this in JavaScript we have multiple ways, a few of them are following.

  • Using the Array unshift() Method

  • Using the Array splice() Method

  • Using ES6 Spread Operator

Using the Array unshift() Method

The array unshift() method in JavaScript is used to add new elements at the start of the array. This method changes the original array by overwriting the elements inside it.


arr.unshift(element1, element2, . . . . . . , elementN)


  • element1, element2, …, elementN − The elements to be inserted. If you have multiple elements, enter them as comma-separated parameters.

  • arr − It is the original array to which we add new element/s.

Returns − It returns the length of the updated array.


In this example, we are adding 0 at the start of the array using the Array unshift()method.

<html> <body> <h2>Adding new array elements at the beginning of an array.</h2> <p><b>Array:</b> <span id="oldArray"> </span> </p> <p><b>Updated Array: </b> <span id="updatedArray"></span></p> <button id="btn" >Click to Add</button> </body> <script> // Get the button element let btn = document.getElementById("btn") // Get the element where old array situated let oldArray = document.getElementById("oldArray") // Get the element where a new array will be assigned let updatedArray = document.getElementById("updatedArray") // The old array let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // Show the old array oldArray.innerText = array; btn.onclick = () => { // Insert 0 at the starting of the array array.unshift(0) updatedArray.innerText = array } </script> </html>

Using the Array splice() Method

The array splice() method in JavaScript is used to add or remove elements from the array. This method changes the original array by overwriting the elements inside it.


Following is the syntax for Array splice() method −

arr.splice(index, howmany, element1, element2, . . . . . elementN)

Here arr is the original array to which the elements will be added.


  • index − This is a required parameter that specifies at which index you want to add or remove the element(s).

  • howmany − This is an optional parameter that specifies the number of items to be removed.

  • Element1, element2, . . . . . . elementN − Elements(s) to be added.

It returns the complete updated array.


To add an element at the starting of the element we pass the first parameter 0 because we are adding an element at the 0th index and the second parameter also 0 because we are not removing any element from the array. The third parameter will be the element to be added to the array.


In this example, we are adding “22” at the starting of the array using the Array.splice method.

<html> <body> <h2>Adding new array elements at the beginning of an array.</h2> <p><b>Array:</b> <span id="oldArray"> </span> </p> <p><b>Updated Array: </b> <span id="updatedArray"></span></p> <button id="btn" >Click to Add</button> </body> <script> // Get the button element let btn = document.getElementById("btn") // Get the element where old array situated let oldArray = document.getElementById("oldArray") // Get the element where new array will be assigned let updatedArray = document.getElementById("updatedArray") // The old array let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // Show the old array oldArray.innerText = array; btn.onclick = () => { // Insert 22 at the starting of the array array.splice(0, 0, 22) updatedArray.innerText = array } </script> </html>

Using the ES6 Spread Operator

In this method we will create a new array and assign its first element as the element we want to add and the second element will be all the elements of the old array which we will access using the spread operator.


In this example, we are adding “22” at the starting of the array using the ES6 spread operator.

<html> <body> <h2> Adding new array elements at the beginning of an array. </h2> <p> <b>Array:</b> <span id="oldArray"> </span> </p> <p> <b>Updated Array: </b> <span id="updatedArray"> </span> </p> <button id="btn" >Click to Add</button> </body> <script> // Get the button element let btn = document.getElementById("btn") // Get the element where old array situated let oldArray = document.getElementById("oldArray") // Get the element where new array will be assigned let updatedArray = document.getElementById("updatedArray") // The old array let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // Show the old array oldArray.innerText = array; btn.onclick = () => { // Create a new Array let newArr = [22, ...array] updatedArray.innerText = newArr } </script> </html>

Updated on: 22-Aug-2022


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