How do we add a definition term in HTML?

The definition term is represented as <dt> tag in HTML, it describes the name or term in a description list. The <dt> define term is conjunction with <dd> and <dl> tags.

  • <dd> tag is used to describe each name or term

  • <dl> tag defines a description list.

  • <dt> define tag supports both global and event attributes.

The <dt> tag is supported by almost all browsers.


Following is the syntax of define term −

<dt> code </dt>


Following example of adding a definition term in HTML. Here we are using all the three elements of this tag −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <h1>Usage of dl,dd,and dt elements</h1>
      <b>Creating a description list using elements:</b>
      <dd>Dal Curry</dd>


Following is another example to add definition term.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>HTML dt Tag</title>
      <dt>Understanding Definition List</dt>
      <dd>A list of terms and their definitions/descriptions.</dd>
      <dd>Tutorial on JAVA Programming Language.</dd>
      <dd>Tutorial on Android Operating System.</dd>

Now let us try to understand another term definition element −

Definition Element

To define terms in HTML, we use <dfn> tag which is used to describe the word and also shows the first occurrence of the word. The text that is present inside the tag is represented as italic form in the webpage which indicates it is a special keyword or value.


The following is the syntax of define term in HTML −

<dfn title=”meaning”> Code </dfn>


Following is the example which demonstrates the usage of definition element −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Usage of Define terms in HTML</title>
   <h2>TutorialsPoint HTML</h2>
   <h3>A Description List <dfn title="Having a Description of Each Element"> is a List of Terms. </dfn></h3>

There is another element which describes the term that is abbreviation element.

Abbreviation element

This element is used to describe the term; a dotted line is appeared below the text which shows a special appearance to text. It is defined by using <abbr> tag.


Following is the usage of abbreviation element −

<dfn> code </dfn>   
<abbr title="description"> Content </abbr>


Following is the example which demonstrates the usage of abbreviation element −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Defining Terms in HTML</title>
   <h2>Welcome TO <dfn> TutorialsPoint <abbr title="Simply Easy Learning at your fingertips"> Technical Website.</abbr> </dfn></h2>

Updated on: 06-Oct-2023


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