Volume Calculation - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Volume Calculation. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The length of the askew of a cuboid 30 cm long, 24 cm wide and 18 cm is:

A - 30 cm

B - 15 √2cm

C - 30 √2 cm

D - 60 cm

Answer : C


Length of the diagonal =√ (L 2+ b2+ h2)=  √[ (30)2 +( 24)2+(18)2]
= √ (900+576+324)   =√1800= √900*2
= 30√2 cm

Q 2 - Half cubic meter of gold sheet is stretched out by pounding in order to spread a region of 1 hectare. The thickness of the sheet is:

A - 0.5 cm

B - 0.05 cm

C - 0.005 cm

D - 0.0005 cm

Answer : C


Area = 1 hectare= 10000m2, Volume = 0.5 m3
Thickness =Volume/Area   = (0.5/10000)m =(0.5*100/10000)cm=0.005cm

Q 3 - A corridor is 15m long and 12 m expansive. On the off chance that the aggregate of the zones of the floor and the roof is equivalent to the whole of the ranges of the 4 dividers, the volume of the corridor is:

A - 720 m3

B - 900 m3

C - 1200 m3

D - 1800 m3

Answer : C


(Lb+Lb) = 2(L+b)*h= 2*Lb = 2(L+b)*h ⇒Lb= (L+b)*h
⇒ (15+12)*h = (15*12) ⇒h = (15*12)/27m = 20/3 m
Volume = (L*b*h) = (15*12*20/3) m3= 1200 m3

Q 4 - A rectangular square 6 cm*12 cm *15 cm is sliced into careful no. of equivalent solid shapes. The slightest conceivable number of blocks will be:

A - 6

B - 11

C - 33

D - 40

Answer : D


Each side of required cube = HCF of 6cm, 12cm, 15cm = 3cm
Volume of given block = (6*12*15) cm3= 1080 cm3
Volume of each cube = (3*3*3) cm3=27cm3
∴ required number of cubes = 1080/27= 40

Q 5 - The region of three contiguous appearances of a cuboid are in the proportion 2:3:4 and its volume is 9000 cm3. The littlest side has a length of:

A - 10 cm

B - 15 cm

C - 20 cm

D - 30 cm

Answer : B


Let the area of the three adjacent faces be 2x, 3x and 4x then,
Lb= 2x, bh= 3x and Lh= 4x
∴ (Lb*bh*Lh) = 24x3 ⇒ (Lbh) 2 =(9000) 2= 81000000
⇒x3= 81000000/24= 27000000/8 ⇒x = 300/2= 150
∴ Lb= 300, bh =450 and Lh= 600 and Lbh= 9000
∴ h = 9000/300= 30cm, L= 9000/450 = 20cm, b= 9000/600= 15cm
Smallest side = 15 cm

Q 6 - The aggregate surface zone of 3D square (cube) is 1734 cm2 .Its volume is:

A - 2197 cm3

B - 2744 cm3

C - 4096 cm3

D - 4913 cm3

Answer : D


6a2=1734 ⇒a2=289= (17) 2 ⇒a= 17
Volume = a3= (17*17*17) cm3= 4913cm3

Q 7 - A rectangular box measure s inside 1.6 m long, 1m expansive and 60 cm profound. The no. of cubical obstructs each of edge 20 cm that can be pressed inside the crate, is:

A - 30

B - 53

C - 60

D - 120

Answer : D


Required no. = (160*100*60)/ (20*20*20) = 120

Q 8 - A well must be hole that is to be 22.5 m profound and of breadth 7m. The expense of putting the internal bended surface at rs. 30 for each sq. meter are:

A - Rs. 14650

B - Rs. 14850

C - Rs. 14750

D - Rs. 14950

Answer : B


Here r= 7/2 m and h= 45/2 m
Curved surface area = 2πrh=(2*22/7*7/2*45/2)m2  = 495m2
Required cost = (495*30) = 14850 rs.

Q 9 - The total of the range of base and the tallness of a barrel is 37 m. On the off chance that the aggregate surface region of the chamber is 1628m2, then its volume is:

A - 5240 m3

B - 4620 m3

C - 3180 m3

D - none of these

Answer : B


Given: (r+h) = 37m
Total surface area = 2πr (h+r)
∴2πr* 37= 1628 ⇒22/7* r= 22 ⇒ r = 7m
h =(37-7)= 30 m
Volume = πr2h= (22/7* 7* 7* 30) m3= 4620 m3

Q 10 - In the event that the sweep of a circle is multiplied, its surface region will increment by:

A - Half

B - 200 %

C - 300%

D - 400%

Answer : C


Let, original radius=r. Then surface area= 4πr2
New radius= 2r. New surface area = 4π (2r) 2= 16πr2
Increase % in surface areas = (12πr2/4 πr2*100) %= 300%
