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Pass the CKA exam with these 100 practice questions

person icon Benjamin Huis


Pass the CKA exam with these 100 practice questions

Learn Kubernetes with 100 questions

updated on icon Updated on May, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Benjamin Huis

category icon Kubernetes,CKAD,Cloud Computing,OpenShift,Microservices,

Lectures -100

Duration -3 hours



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Course Description

Welcome to the Ultimate Practical Kubernetes Course:

“Learn Kubernetes with 100 Questions.“

Are you ready to learn about Kubernetes and become a pro? Look no further! In this course, we’ll guide you through 100 hands-on practice questions that cover every aspect of working with Kubernetes. Say goodbye to boring theory and complicated guides. With our course, all you have to do is sit back, relax, and follow the instructor’s easy-to-understand steps to complete the assignments.

Become CKA Certified!

Are you aiming to achieve the prestigious Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certification? You’re in luck! Our course is an excellent preparation tool for the CKA exam and to learn Kubernetes. We have meticulously crafted practice questions that closely resemble those you’ll encounter in the exam. Moreover, we’ve gone the extra mile to create an immersive experience in our videos, simulating the real exam scenario as closely as possible.

What will you learn?

We’ve got you covered on all the essential topics to make you a Kubernetes expert:

  • Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration: Learn how to set up and configure Kubernetes clusters like a pro.

  • Workloads & Scheduling: Understand how to manage and schedule workloads efficiently within Kubernetes.

  • Services & Networking: Master the art of networking and service management in a Kubernetes environment.

  • Storage: Discover the best practices for handling storage in Kubernetes and ensure seamless data management.

  • Troubleshooting: Develop the skills to troubleshoot common issues that may arise in a Kubernetes setup.


What will you learn in this course:

  • Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration: Learn how to set up and configure Kubernetes clusters like a pro.

  • Workloads & Scheduling: Understand how to manage and schedule workloads efficiently within Kubernetes.

  • Services & Networking: Master the art of networking and service management in a Kubernetes environment.

  • Storage: Discover the best practices for handling storage in Kubernetes and ensure seamless data management.

  • Troubleshooting: Develop the skills to troubleshoot common issues that may arise in a Kubernetes setup.


What are the prerequisites for this course?

  • You need a computer or virtual machine

  • You need Minikube or a Kubernetes testing cluster installed

  • You need to use a program to organize your notes like OneNote

Pass the CKA exam with these 100 practice questions


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Learn Kubernetes with 100 questions
100 Lectures
  • play icon Update the image of the deployment 01:26 01:26
  • play icon Change the static pod path 01:04 01:04
  • play icon Upgrade the cluster 01:53 01:53
  • play icon Create a deployment with replicas 01:41 01:41
  • play icon Create a pod with labels 01:06 01:06
  • play icon Create a pod in a namespace 01:15 01:15
  • play icon Create a pod and expose it 01:54 01:54
  • play icon Upgrade a deployment by using rolling update 03:42 03:42
  • play icon Create a pod with a command 04:05 04:05
  • play icon Taint a node to be unschedulable 04:41 04:41
  • play icon Create a new service account, clusterrole and clusterrolebinding 03:53 03:53
  • play icon Create a NetworkPolicy that allows all pods in the namespace to use one port 04:23 04:23
  • play icon List all the internal IP's of all the nodes in the cluster 01:55 01:55
  • play icon Create a multipod with two containers and add a command 02:07 02:07
  • play icon Create a new user and grant him access to the cluster 08:41 08:41
  • play icon Create a service from the pod and run a DNS lookup to check the service 02:10 02:10
  • play icon Create a secret and mount it to the pod 03:28 03:28
  • play icon List all the the persistent volumes sorted by capacity 01:43 01:43
  • play icon Find the pod which is consuming the most CPU 01:34 01:34
  • play icon Use JSON path to get all the node names 01:56 01:56
  • play icon Show the logs from the container 01:23 01:23
  • play icon Create a new ingress resource and expose the service on a path 02:57 02:57
  • play icon Overwrite the label of the pod with a value 01:22 01:22
  • play icon Upgrade the image in the deployment, check the history and roll back 01:55 01:55
  • play icon Find out which pods are available with the label in the cluster 01:08 01:08
  • play icon Find out why a pod is failing and fix the issue 02:07 02:07
  • play icon Create a pod that will only be scheduled on a node with a specific label 02:52 02:52
  • play icon Create a pod which uses a persistent volume for storage 04:39 04:39
  • play icon Remove the taint added to the node 01:42 01:42
  • play icon Take a backup and restore ETCD 07:10 07:10
  • play icon Schedule a pod on the node by using tolerations 02:32 02:32
  • play icon Apply autoscaling to the deployment 01:25 01:25
  • play icon Check how many nodes are in ready state 01:18 01:18
  • play icon Create a pod and set the environment variable 01:48 01:48
  • play icon Create a configmap and add it to the pod 03:28 03:28
  • play icon List all the events sorted by the timestamp 01:44 01:44
  • play icon Create a pod with a non-persistent volume 03:19 03:19
  • play icon Investigate the node and bring it back to ready state 01:46 01:46
  • play icon Make the node unavailable and reschedule all the pods on it 01:48 01:48
  • play icon Create a pod which echo's a sentence, exists and is deleted automatically 01:13 01:13
  • play icon Annotate an existing pod and use a value 01:21 01:21
  • play icon Get a list of all the pods in all the namespaces 01:09 01:09
  • play icon Update the password in the existing configmap 03:29 03:29
  • play icon Troubleshoot a pod which is not scheduling on the node and fix the issue 02:30 02:30
  • play icon Create a network policy and allow traffic from a pod to two services 02:20 02:20
  • play icon Create a pod and set "SYS_TIME", and let it sleep for one hour 02:49 02:49
  • play icon Create a clusterrole and a clusterrolebinding 01:58 01:58
  • play icon Get the IP address of a pod 01:44 01:44
  • play icon Find out the version of the cluster 00:45 00:45
  • play icon Change the mountpath of a container in a statefulset 01:48 01:48
  • play icon Create a cronjob which prints the date and "Running" every minute 02:24 02:24
  • play icon Use JSONPATH and get a list of all the pods awith name and namespace 01:48 01:48
  • play icon Create a networkpolicy 02:13 02:13
  • play icon Create a pod with container port 80 02:44 02:44
  • play icon Monitor the logs of a pod 01:03 01:03
  • play icon Rollback a deployment to revision 1 01:16 01:16
  • play icon List a pod with custom columns 01:32 01:32
  • play icon For a pod, set the CPU memory requests and limits 02:32 02:32
  • play icon Create a pod with a non-persistent storage 02:05 02:05
  • play icon Troubleshoot a failed pod and make it running again 02:19 02:19
  • play icon Expose a pod internally and create a test-pod for look-up 02:05 02:05
  • play icon Create a DaemonSet 02:24 02:24
  • play icon Fix a non-schedulable node 02:11 02:11
  • play icon Get all the objects in all the namespaces 01:02 01:02
  • play icon Create a pod and assign it to the node 01:52 01:52
  • play icon Find all the pods with a specific label 00:53 00:53
  • play icon Create a taint on the node 01:21 01:21
  • play icon Create a pod and set tolerations 02:29 02:29
  • play icon Check the image version of a pod without using the describe command 01:09 01:09
  • play icon Create a pod with a sidecar container for logging 02:04 02:04
  • play icon Find out where the Kubernetes master and KubeDNS are running at 00:44 00:44
  • play icon Print the pod names and start times to a file 01:17 01:17
  • play icon Create a pod which runs a command and sleeps for 100 seconds 01:58 01:58
  • play icon Create a pod and specify a CPU request and a CPU limit 02:09 02:09
  • play icon Scale a deployment to 5 replicas 01:13 01:13
  • play icon List all the secrets and configmaps in the cluster in all namespaces 01:04 01:04
  • play icon Create a NetworkPolicy which denies all the ingress traffic 01:43 01:43
  • play icon Create an init container in a pod 02:28 02:28
  • play icon List the logs of the pod and search for the pattern "start" 01:03 01:03
  • play icon Expose the deployment 01:34 01:34
  • play icon Create two pods with different labels 01:01 01:01
  • play icon Create a clusterrole, service account and rolebinding 02:33 02:33
  • play icon Find the static pod path 01:38 01:38
  • play icon Delete a pod without any delay 01:04 01:04
  • play icon Grep the current context and write it to a file 01:16 01:16
  • play icon Get a list of all the pods which were recently deleted 02:47 02:47
  • play icon Troubleshoot the pod and fix the issue 02:04 02:04
  • play icon Create a pod with a storage which lasts as long as the lifetime of the pod 01:31 01:31
  • play icon Create a pod and add the "runAsUser" and "fsGroup" 01:35 01:35
  • play icon Troubleshoot and fix the kubeconfig file 01:38 01:38
  • play icon Create a pod and set "NET_ADMIN" 01:45 01:45
  • play icon Delete all the pods with a specific label 01:01 01:01
  • play icon Create a multipod with 3 containers 01:45 01:45
  • play icon Replace a pod with an existing yaml file and verify after 01:29 01:29
  • play icon Change the requested storage size of the PersistentVolumeClaim 02:09 02:09
  • play icon Edit an existing pod and add a command 01:50 01:50
  • play icon Add a readiness probe to an existing deployment 02:19 02:19
  • play icon Get all contexts and write it to a file 01:03 01:03
  • play icon Create a replicaset which has 3 replicas 02:14 02:14
  • play icon List all the control plane components and write them to a file 00:53 00:53

Instructor Details

Benjamin Huis

Benjamin Huis


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