jMeter - JMS Topic Test Plan

Building a JMS Topic Test Plan

Now let us write a JMeter test plan to test a JMS Provider. We will create one subscriber and one publisher. We will create one thread group and set each one to two iterations

First let us start the JMeter from /home/manisha/apache-jmeter2.9/bin/

Add Users

Now create a Thread group as follows −

  • Right-click the Test Plan

  • Select Add → Threads (Users) → Thread Group. Thread Group will get added under the Test Plan node.

  • Rename this Thread Group as JMS pub-sub user.

Thread Group Added

We will change the Loop Count to two. Rest of the default properties of the Thread Group are retained. It means one thread group with one thread or one user sends two messages each through a request queue.

Adding JMS Subscriber and Publisher

Let us see how to add subscribers and publishers −

Add Publisher

  • Add the sampler JMS Publisher to the Publisher element by selecting Add → Sampler → JMS Publisher.

  • Select the JMS Publisher element in the tree.

  • Edit the following properties −

Property Value Description
Name Sample Publisher Descriptive name for this element that is shown in the tree.
If the JMS provider uses the file check the box Use Note that the file must be on the classpath − e.g. by updating the user.classpath JMeter property. If this option is not selected, JMeter uses the "JNDI Initial Context Factory" and "Provider URL" fields to create the connection.
InitialContextFactory org apache activemq jndi Active MQInitial Context Factory Name of the context factory.
Provider URL tcp://localhost:61616 The URL for the jms provider.
Connection Factory ConnectionFactory The URL for the JMS provider.
Destination dynamicTopics/MyStaticTopic1 The name of the message topic. For ActiveMQ Dynamic Topics (create topics dynamically).
Number of samples to aggregate 2 Number of samples to aggregate.
Message source Textarea Where to obtain the message −

From File − means the referenced file will be read and reused by all samples.

Random File from folder − means a random file will be selected from the folder specified, this folder must contain either files with extension .dat for Bytes Messages, or files with extension .txt or .obj for Object or Text messages

Text area − The Message to use either for Text or Object message

Message type Text Text, Map, Object message or Bytes Message

Rest of properties are retained with the default values. The following screenshot shows the above configurations −

JMS publisher sampler

Add Subscriber

Now that we have defined our users, it is time to define the tasks that they will be performing.

  • Add the sampler JMS Subscriber to the Subscribers element by selecting Add → Sampler → JMS Subscriber.

  • Select the JMS Subscriber element in the tree

  • Edit the following properties −

Property Value Description
Name Sample Subscriber Descriptive name for this element that is shown in the tree.
If the JMS provider uses the file check the box Use Note that the file must be on the classpath − e.g. by updating the user.classpath JMeter property. If this option is not selected, JMeter uses the "JNDI Initial Context Factory" and "Provider URL" fields to create the connection.
InitialContextFactory org apache activemq jndi Active MQInitial Context Factory Name of the context factory.
Provider URL tcp://localhost:61616 The URL for the JMS provider.
Connection Factory ConnectionFactory The URL for the JMS provider.
Destination dynamicTopics/MyStaticTopic1 The name of the message topic. For ActiveMQ Dynamic Topics (create topics dynamically).
Read response Check Box The sampler should read the response. If not, only the response length is returned.
Timeout 2000 The timeout to be applied, in milliseconds. 0=none. This is the overall aggregate timeout, not per sample.

Rest of the properties are retained with the default values. The following screenshot shows the above configurations −

JMS Subscriber Sampler

Create Listener

Now add the Listener element. This element is responsible for storing all the results of your JMS requests in a file and presenting a visual model of the data.

  • Select the Thread Group element.

  • Add a View Results Tree listener by selecting Add > Listener > View Results Tree.

JMS Pub Sub Test Listener

Save and Execute Test Plan

Now save the above test plan as jms_pub_sub.jmx. Execute this test plan using Run → Start option.

Verify the Output

Output for Publisher

JMS Publish Sub Test Output1

JMS Publish Sub Test Output2

Output for Subscriber

JMS Publish Sub Test Output3

JMS Publish Sub Test Output4

JMS Publish Sub Test Output5

Return to the admin console of ActiveMQ. Here we can see the message status in the topics.

JMS Publish Sub Admin Console