java.util.SimpleTimeZone.setEndRule() Method


The setEndRule(int endMonth, int endDay, int endDayOfWeek, int endTime, boolean after) method is used to set the daylight saving time end rule to a weekday before or after the given date within a month.


Following is the declaration for java.util.SimpleTimeZone.setEndRule() method.

public void setEndRule(int endMonth,
                       int endDay,
                       int endDayOfWeek,
                       int endTime,
                       boolean after)


  • endMonth − The daylight saving time ending month.

  • endDay − The day of the month on which the daylight saving time ends.

  • endTime − The daylight saving ending time in local wall clock time.

  • endDayOfWeek − The daylight saving time ending day-of-week.

  • after − If true, this rule selects the first endDayOfWeek on or after endDay. If false, this rule selects the last endDayOfWeek on or before endDay of the month.

Return Value



IllegalArgumentException − This is thrown if the endMonth, endDay,endDayOfWeek or endTime parameters are out of range.


The following example shows the usage of java.util.SimpleTimeZone.setEndRule()

package com.tutorialspoint;

import java.util.*;

public class SimpleTimeZoneDemo {
   public static void main( String args[] ) {
      // create simple time zone object
      SimpleTimeZone stobj = new SimpleTimeZone(820,"GMT");

      // checking the initial value      
      System.out.println("Initial value : " + stobj);

      // setting end rule
      stobj.setEndRule( Calendar.MAY, 2, Calendar.TUESDAY, 3600000,true);

      // checking the new value      
      System.out.println("New value : " + stobj);

Let us compile and run the above program, this will produce the following result.

Initial value : java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id = GMT,offset = 820,dstSavings = 3600000,
useDaylight = false,startYear = 0,startMode = 0,startMonth = 0,startDay = 0,
startDayOfWeek = 0,startTime = 0,startTimeMode = 0,endMode = 0,endMonth = 0,
endDay = 0,endDayOfWeek = 0,endTime = 0,endTimeMode = 0]
New value : java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id = GMT,offset = 820,dstSavings = 3600000,
useDaylight = false,startYear = 0,startMode = 0,startMonth = 0,startDay = 0,
startDayOfWeek = 0,startTime = 0,startTimeMode = 0,endMode = 3,endMonth = 4,
endDay = 2,endDayOfWeek = 3,endTime = 3600000,endTimeMode = 0]