Google Guice - Just-in-time Bindings

As bindings are defined in Binding Module, Guice uses them whenever it needs to inject dependencies. In case bindings are not present, it can attempt to create just-in-time bindings. Bindings present in the binding module are called Explicit bindings and are of higher precedence whereas just-in-time bindings are called Implicit bindings. Note that if both type of bindings are present, explicit bindings are considered for mapping.

The examples for three types of Just-in-time bindings are given below −

Sr.No. Binding Type & Description
1 Injectable Constructors

Non-private, No-argument constructors are eligible for just-in-time bindings. Another way is to annotate a constructor with @Inject annotation.

2 @ImplementatedBy annotation

@ImplementatedBy annotation tells the guice about the implementation class. No binding is required in Binding Module in such a case.

3 @ProvidedBy annotation

@ProvidedBy annotation tells the guice about the provider of implementation class. No binding is required in Binding Module in such a case.
