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Risk Management for Nonprofit Organizations

person icon Business Expert Press

Risk Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Easily communicate effective risk management ideas among the various stakeholders.


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 195

ISBN : 9781951527228

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

Risk Management for Nonprofit Organizations is a straightforward, yet comprehensive guide that can be used to easily communicate effective risk management ideas among the various stakeholders who comprise a nonprofit organization.

This book positions risk management as a key element in successfully managing a nonprofit organization. Risk management in nonprofits has several unique characteristics that distinguish it from risk management in for-profit organizations. The authors present and explain specifically tailored strategies and tactics for risk management in nonprofits.

Risk Management for Nonprofit Organizations is a straightforward, yet comprehensive guide that can be used to easily communicate effective risk management ideas among the various stakeholders who comprise a nonprofit organization. This is a book that can be used to educate and inform nonprofit professionals as well as the nonprofessional volunteers who are so critical to the operations of many nonprofits. It is a tool that will enhance both understanding and communication of risk management principles.

Written in clear, jargon-free language, it is a resource that can be read by board members, professional nonprofit managers, volunteers, and other stakeholders of the nonprofit organization. As a tool for building a common appreciation and understanding of risk management, this book has the potential to become a valuable asset for nonprofit organizations.

Risk Management for Nonprofit Organizations

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Business Expert Press

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