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AI models in digital marketing business

person icon Bing Fang


AI models in digital marketing business

A powerful tool for efficiency and effectiveness

updated on icon Updated on May, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Bing Fang

category icon Artificial Intelligence,Digital Marketing,Generative AI (GenAI)

Lectures -19

Duration -8 hours



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Course Description

In today’s digital age, marketing business faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. With the popularity of the Internet and the development of mobile devices, consumer behavior, and demand become more diverse and complex, and also generate massive data and information. How to effectively use these data and information, improve marketing efficiency and effectiveness, and create more value and revenue, is every product manager and operator must think and solve the problem. Artificial intelligence, as a technology that can simulate and extend human intelligence, provides new ideas and methods for marketing business. Especially in recent years, an important branch of artificial intelligence - artificial intelligence large model, caused widespread attention and discussion. Artificial intelligence large model, refers to those with ultra-large-scale parameters and data of artificial intelligence model, they can in multiple domains and tasks show amazing performance and ability, even beyond the human level. Artificial intelligence large model, has achieved remarkable results in language, vision, audio, games and other fields, but also for digital marketing business brings new opportunities and challenges. So, what is artificial intelligence large model? How do they work? How do they change digital marketing business? What are their advantages and disadvantages? How will they affect the future of intelligent marketing? As product managers and operators, how should we understand and use the artificial intelligence large model, to optimize our products and business? These questions are the content of this course to explore and answer.

Who is this course for?

  • Product managers, operators, marketers, entrepreneurs, etc. who are interested in artificial intelligence and digital marketing
  • Other stakeholders who want to understand and leverage the AI model


  • Learn about the concept, characteristics, development history, working principle, application fields, and innovation possibilities of AI large models
  • Understand the value and challenges of AI models in digital marketing business
  • Learn how to leverage AI models to optimize your digital marketing business
  • Understand the advantages, application scenarios, and methods of intelligent marketing.


  • There is a certain basic knowledge of artificial intelligence and digital marketing, such as the basic concepts of artificial intelligence, the basic process of digital marketing, and commonly used data analysis and visualization tools
  • No in-depth expertise in AI or digital marketing is required.
AI models in digital marketing business


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Introduction to Large Models: Understanding the Heart of AI
3 Lectures
  • play icon AI models in digital marketing business 01:39 01:39
  • play icon 1.1.1Introduction to Large Models Understanding the Heart of AI 43:26 43:26
  • play icon 1.1.2Several typical types of large AI models 46:56 46:56
A Historical Review of the AI Model: How It's Changing the Digital Marketing
3 Lectures
Decoding the Big Picture: The Future of Intelligent Marketing
1 Lectures
AI models: the evolution from assistants to collaborators
7 Lectures
AI models: pros and cons in marketing
1 Lectures
Intelligent Marketing: The Revolution of AI Models
4 Lectures

Instructor Details

Bing Fang

Bing Fang

Senior Internet product expert, with 20 years of work experience, has been engaged in advertising, marketing, growth, strategy and low-code middle office products in well-known companies such as Youku, Baidu (P7), Suning (B9), Jingdong (P9) and other well-known enterprises. The product experience covers the following four areas:
Advertising and marketing system: build an advertising and marketing platform from 0 to 1 for many times, covering brand and effect advertising, display and search advertising, etc.;
Intelligent marketing strategy: With 7 years of experience in intelligent marketing strategy products, covering B-end and C-side, OCPX and other strategies, he has a deep understanding and unique insights into data intelligence strategy;
AI strategy middle platform: Practical experience in planning, designing, and implementing AI strategy middle platform from 0 to 1;
Overseas advertising platforms: Experience in connecting products with overseas advertising platforms such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.

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