Verbal Ability - Adjectives Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Adjectives. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - His younger brother is actually ... than him.

A - strong

B - stronger

C - more stronger

D - strongest

Answer : B


Comparative degrees are used to compare objects with other objects.

Q 2 - July is faster than Kleen, but Tess is the ... of all.

A - clean

B - more clean

C - cleaner

D - cleanest

Answer : D


Superlative degree is used to describe something or someone with the maximum amount of quality that is mentioned. If the quality is hungry, then superlative degree will be applied to that person who has the maximum hunger. He will be mentioned as "the hungriest".

Q 3 - After repairing a heavily damaged semi-truck, Ashish was just as ... as Digby.

A - dirty

B - dirtier

C - more dirty

D - dirtiest

Answer : A


“As” + adjective + “As” structure is used to mention an equal level of the quality in the objects getting compared.

Q 4 - Homi got the ... score in the final exams, though he had prepared poorly.

A - best

B - bestest

C - most best

D - most bestest

Answer : A


When we are comparing the quality of output, we sometimes use the “good, better, the best” degrees. For example – “ He is good”, “He is better than him”, "He is the best".

Q 5 - Ninee is ... than most scouts because she is an expert at camouflages.

A - sneaky

B - sneakier

C - more sneakier

D - sneakiest

Answer : B


Comparative degrees are used to compare objects with other objects (he is stronger, they are weaker, etc.). Many of them use the “er” structure in comparison by adding either “er” or “ier” after the adjective. For example - nearer, cozier.

Q 6 - Ashish’s pen-knife is ... than Joshua’s, even though Joshua spends a lot of time singing in the rain.

A - more rusty

B - rustier

C - more rustier

D - rustiest

Answer : D


Superlative degrees are used to describe something or someone with the maximum amount of quality that is mentioned. If the quality is hungry, then superlative degree will be applied to that person who has the maximum hunger. He will be mentioned as “the hungriest”.

Q 7 - English is today the third ... native language worldwide after Chinese and Hindi.

A - the most spoken

B - the more spoken

C - much spoken

D - most spoken

Answer : D


Superlative degrees are used to describe something or someone with the maximum amount of quality that is mentioned. If the quality is hungry, then superlative degree will be applied toto the person who has the maximum hunger. He will be mentioned as "the hungriest".

Q 8 - Delhi isn’t ... a polluted city ... it was ten years ago.

A - as / as

B - such / as

C - so / that

D - more / than

Answer : A


“As” + adjective + “As” structure is used to mention an equal level of the quality in the objects getting compared.

Q 9 - He (a) correct, (b) correctly defined the terms. The answer sounded (c) correctly, (d) correct.

A - a and c

B - a and d

C - b and c

D - b and d

Answer : C


The word “correctly” is an adverb used to describe the action “define”. The adjective here is “correct” as that describes the noun “answer”

Q 10 - She sounds (a) beautifully, (b) beautiful. She sang the song (c) exact, (d) exactly as it was written.

A - a and c

B - a and d

C - b and c

D - b and d

Answer : D


The adjective “beautiful” is used to describe the noun “she”. The word “exactly”” describes the action “sang”.
