VB.Net Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to VB.Net. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 2 - Which of the following converts the expression to SByte data type in VB.NET?

A - CObj(expression)

B - CSByte(expression)

C - CShort(expression)

D - CSng(expression)

Answer : B


CSByte(expression) − Converts the expression to SByte data type.

Q 3 - Which of the following accesss modifier specifies that a function or Get accessor is an iterator?

A - In

B - Iterator

C - Key

D - Module

Answer : B


Iterator − Specifies that a function or Get accessor is an iterator. An iterator performs a custom iteration over a collection.

Q 4 - Which of the following accesss modifier specifies that a property or procedure can be overridden by an identically named property or procedure in a derived class?

A - Overridable

B - Overrides

C - ParamArray

D - Partial

Answer : A


Overridable − Specifies that a property or procedure can be overridden by an identically named property or procedure in a derived class.

Q 5 - Which of the following accesss modifier indicates that a class or structure declaration is a partial definition of the class or structure?

A - Overridable

B - Overrides

C - ParamArray

D - Partial

Answer : D


Partial − Indicates that a class or structure declaration is a partial definition of the class or structure.

Q 6 - Which of the following statement declares an enumeration and defines the values of its members?

A - Dim

B - Const

C - Enum

D - Class

Answer : C


Enum − Declares an enumeration and defines the values of its members.

Q 7 - Which of the following statement declares a user-defined event?

A - Event

B - Delegate

C - Operator

D - Property

Answer : A


Event − Declares a user-defined event.

Q 8 - Which of the following operator is applied to an operand in an asynchronous method or lambda expression to suspend execution of the method until the awaited task completes?

A - AddressOf

B - Await

C - GetType

D - Function Expression

Answer : B


Await − It is applied to an operand in an asynchronous method or lambda expression to suspend execution of the method until the awaited task completes.

Q 9 - Which of the following property of Array class in VB.NET checks whether the Array has a fixed size?

A - IsFixedSize

B - IsStatic

C - Length

D - None of the above.

Answer : A


IsFixedSize gets a value indicating whether the Array has a fixed size.

Q 10 - The System.SystemException class is the base class for all predefined system exception in VB.NET?

A - true

B - false

Answer : A


The System.SystemException class is the base class for all predefined system exception.
