MongoDB Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to MongoDB Framework. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Answer : B


The core components in the MongoDB package are: mongod, the core database process; mongos the controller and query router for sharded clusters; and mongo the interactive MongoDB Shell.

Q 2 - What is the output of the following program?

A - 60 s

B - 100 ms

C - 1 s

D - 100 s

Answer : A


In the default configuration, MongoDB writes data to the main data files on disk every 60 seconds.

Answer : A


The $gt, $lt and related operators can be applied for string manipulations too. They work in the same manner as they would work on numeric values.

Q 4 - What does the following query do when performed on the posts collection?

db.posts.update({_id:1},{Title:This is post with ID 1"})

A - Updates the Title of the post

B - Updating a document is possible only with $set

C - Replaces the complete document with _id as 1 with the document specified in second parameter

D - Syntax error

Answer : C


Updating a document without using $set replaces the entire document with whatever document is specified in second parameter.

Q 5 - Which of the following operator can be used to limit the number of documents in an array field of a document after an update is performed?

A - $push along with $each, $sort and $slice

B - $removeFromSet

C - $arrayLimit

D - None of the above

Answer : A


You can iterate over all the array elements using $each, slice them using $slice and then push them back to the document using $push.

Q 6 - What is the equivalent command in MongoDB for the following SQL query?

SELECT * FROM posts WHERE author like "%john%"

A - db.posts.find( { author: /john/ } )

B - db.posts.find( { author: {$like: /john/} } )

C - db.posts.find( { $like: {author: /john/} } )

D - db.posts.find( { author: /^john^/ } )

Answer : A


db.posts.find( { author: /john/ } )

Q 7 - What is the minimum sensible number of voting nodes to a replica set?

A - 2

B - 3

C - 4

D - 5

Answer : B


The minimum number of sensible number of voting nodes is 3.

Q 8 - What is a replica set node which does not maintain its own data but exists only for voting purpose called?

A - Secondary

B - Arbiter

C - Delayed

D - Hidden

Answer : B


We may add an extra mongod instance to a replica set as an arbiter. Arbiters do not maintain a data set. Arbiters only exist to vote in elections. If your replica set has an even number of members, add an arbiter to obtain a majority of votes in an election for primary. Arbiters do not require dedicated hardware

Q 9 - Which of the tags in a replica set configuration specify the operations to be read from the node with the least network latency?

A - primaryPreferred

B - secondaryPreferred

C - nearest

D - netLatency

Answer : C


Operations read from member of the replica set with the least network latency, irrespective of the member’s type.

Answer : A


The $slice operation selects the document collection identified by a field named field that holds value and returns the number of elements specified by the value of count from the array stored in the array field.
