Situation and Reaction Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Situation and Reaction. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Answer : B


The correct option is B because first we have to be confirmed about the genuineness of the company. We cannot give thousands of money to someone by just looking at the advertisement.

Q 2 - While drinking tea in a tea stall which is in a crowded area you see a person came with a bike stops and leave it there and goes away with another one.

Options :

A - You will continue enjoying the hot tea.

B - Call the police as the bike may contain bomb.

C - Get out of that place.

D - Chase the person.

Answer : B


The best way to handle such situation is call the police as the bike may contain bomb so that you can save lives of other people.

Answer : D


This is the best possible reaction as exam is going on you can’t shout at him.

Answer : C


If anything goes into your eyes then sprinkle water on it and if problem or burning sensation continues, consult a doctor.

Answer : C


Option C is the perfect and right decision of a master to allow his servant for taking rest and check his cough.

Q 6 - While swimming in a swimming pool, you heard crying of a drowning new comer child.

Options :

A - Go near him and save him.

B - Wait near and encourage him to get up.

C - Call his parents immediately.

D - Wait for someone else to come and rescue him.

Answer : A


The best way to react is go near him and save him.

Answer : B


Option B is the correct reaction for the mentioned situation.

Answer : C


If your coach is not looking towards you then try to talk with him and bring his attention.

Answer : D


Option D is the correct reaction for such a situation as we can’t call police and hit that guy with a stick so we must stand for a while and make plan.

Q 10 - During a football match, a foul is committed by opponents but the referee is not able to notice it.

Options :

A - You also commit a foul.

B - Stop playing football at that moment.

C - Bring it to the notice of referee and ask him to take necessary steps.

D - Forget about it and continue to play.

Answer : C


If the referee has not noticed it then tell him about the foul.
