Verbal Ability - Articles Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Articles. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Would you like to have … glass of water?

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : A


No definite noun has been named, so we do not use “the”, hence “a”.

Q 2 - He is … aged guy.

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : B


Talks about a non-definite noun starting with a vowel sound, hence “an”.

Q 3 - We should always follow … good and respect … elders

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : D


No specific noun has been mentioned, instead a plural category is named, hence no article.

Q 4 - This is one of … most interesting songs I have heard.

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : C


Talks about a specific condition; there cannot be more than one noun when we use words like “best, ideal, perfect, absolute, only”, hence “the”.

Q 5 - Let us discuss… matter seriously.

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : C


Talks of a specific matter, hence "the".

Q 6 - He is … blot to his profession.

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : A


Doesn't mention any specific noun, hence “a”.

Q 7 - I want to buy ... laptop computer next week.

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : A


Doesn't mention any specific laptop, hence “a”.

Q 8 - It’s boring here; would you like to, or go someplace?

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : A


Doesn't mention any specific film, hence “a”.

Q 9 - I only want ... little privacy around here.

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : A


Doesn't mention any specific noun, hence “a”.

Q 10 - When she grew up she wanted to be ... famous.

A - a

B - an

C - the

D - no article

Answer : D


The word (famous) after the blank is not a noun, so no article needed.
