Physics Part 1 Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Physics. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The device by which an artificial climate can be produced, is known as …

A - Cyclotron

B - Cytotron

C - Aviontiometer

D - Apicoiscope

Answer : B


Cytotron is also a medical device; it uses Rotational Field Quantum Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to treat disease like Osteoarthritis and Cancer.

Q 2 - As we see, all stars have not the same color rather different; because of …

A - Different age of stars

B - Different size of stars

C - Variation in distances

D - Difference in temperature

Answer : D



Q 3 - Which among the following waves is used by Wireless communication to carry signals?

A - Electromagnetic waves

B - Radio waves

C - Ultrasonic waves

D - Infrasonic waves

Answer : A



Q 4 - If the temperature of air increases then the speed of sound will …

A - Increase

B - Decrease

C - No change

D - First increase and then decrease

Answer : A



Answer : A


Barograph is an instrument used in airplane to measure the altitude.

Answer : A



Q 7 - The devices, which have infinite electrical resistance are known as …

A - Conductors

B - Insulators

C - Resistors

D - Condensers

Answer : B


Insulator is a substance or device which does not readily carries electricity.

Q 8 - Who had invented ‘Carburettor?’

A - Wynne

B - Lanchester

C - Braun

D - Morey

Answer : D


The first carburetor was invented by Samuel Morey in 1826.


Q 9 - Which one of the following mirrors is used in a solar cooker?

A - Concave mirror

B - Convex mirror

C - Bifocal mirror

D - Plane mirror

Answer : A


To focus the infra-red coming from the sun, concave mirror is used in a solar cooker.

Q 10 - In which of the following mediums, sound’s travelling speed is highest?

A - Water

B - Air

C - Solid

D - Plasma

Answer : C


Speed of sound is highest in solid materials e.g. speed of sound in iron is about 5,120 m/s.

Answer : D


VHF stands for Very High Frequency.

Q 13 - Consider the following statements:

1. Kirchhoff’s law states that the good absorbers are good emitter.

2. Through radiation, heat takes place with the speed of light without affecting the intervening medium.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C



Q 14 - Who had first invented ‘Steam Engine?’

A - Thomas Savery

B - Newcomen

C - Crompton

D - Watt

Answer : A


Steam engine first invented by Thomas Savery; however, James Watt invented steam engine (condenser).

Q 15 - Which among the following is used to compare the intensity of colors?

A - Calorimeter

B - Cardiogram

C - Cathetometer

D - Colorimeter

Answer : D



Q 16 - In reference to radioactivity, consider the following statements:

1. Gamma rays are emitted after the emission Alfa and Beta rays.

2. Gamma rays are produced by neutron stars, pulsars, and supernova explosions.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C


Gamma rays have the smallest wavelengths.

Answer : A


Cardiograph is an instrument that measures heartbeat.

Q 18 - Who had invented ‘Neutron Bomb?’

A - Cohen

B - Claude

C - Janssen

D - Gatling

Answer : A


It was Samuel T. Cohen, who first invented the neutron bomb.

Q 19 - Consider the following statements:

1. Viscosity is the property of liquid by virtue of which it opposes the relative motion between its different layers.

2. Viscosity is the property of liquid only.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : A


Viscosity is the property of both liquid and gas.

Q 20 - The measuring unit of frequency is …

A - Radian

B - Hertz

C - Steradian

D - Joule

Answer : B


The hertz is the measuring unit of frequency.
