Biology Part 1 Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Biology. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Anthranilic acid is the chemical name of …

A - Vitamin H

B - Vitamin J

C - Vitamin L1

D - Vitamin M

Answer : C



Q 2 - Which among the following is the causal factor of anemia?

A - Deficiency of folic acid

B - Deficiency of vitamin A

C - Deficiency of WBCs

D - Deficiency of RBCs

Answer : A


Deficiency of Red Blood Cells (or Hemoglobin) is the leading cause of anemia.

Answer : D


An onion is a bulb and a carrot has conical root.

Q 4 - Consider the following statements:

1. Blood pressure is measured in a large artery of the arm, known as branchial artery.

2. The instrument that measures blood pressure is known as sphygmomanometer.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C


The diastolic pressure is always lower than the systolic pressure.

Q 5 - Which of the following glands secrete tears?

A - Lacrimal

B - Adrenal

C - Thyroid

D - Pineal

Answer : A



Q 6 - Consider the following statements:

1. Before division of a cell, the genomic information that is stored in chromosomes must be replicated first, and the duplicated genome must be separated clearly between cells.

2. The primary concern of a cell division is to maintain the original cell's genome.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C



Q 7 - Which among the following is the longest bone?

A - Femur

B - Fibula

C - Ulna

D - Tibia

Answer : A


Found in the thigh, femur is the longest bone in a human body.

Q 8 - Identify the diseases those are transmitted from one person to another …


2) Cirrhosis

3) Hepatitis B

4) Syphilis

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - 1, 2, 3 & 4

B - 2, 3 & 4 only

C - 3 & 2 only

D - 1, 3 & 4 only

Answer : A



Q 9 - Consider the following statements:

1. The small intestine is the place where most of the chemical digestion and nutrient absorption into the bloodstream takes place.

2. The large intestine reclaims water and releases waste.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C



Q 10 - If the blood group of father is A and mother’s is O, then which one of the following blood group is not possible in their children?

A - B

B - AB

C - O

D - A

Answer : C



Q 11 - Match the following list:

a) Centrosome1. Mitochondria

b) Energy generators2. Eukaryotic cells

c) Polysomes3. Lysosomes

d) Hydrolytic enzymes4. Animal cell

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:


A - 2134

B - 2314

C - 4312

D - 4132

Answer : D



Q 12 - A mushroom is a …

A - Fungi

B - Lichens

C - Algae

D - Ferns

Answer : A


A mushroom is a fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus.

Q 13 - Which among the parts of the cell is essential for the protein synthesis?

A - Mitochondria

B - Ribosome

C - Golgi bodies

D - Chromosomes

Answer : B



Q 14 - Which among the following is an insectivorous plant?

A - Barbadensis Mill

B - Nepenthes

C - Marsilea

D - Hydrilla

Answer : B


Nepenthe plant is also known as the tropical pitcher plants or monkey cups

Q 15 - Which among the following is the bulkiest muscle in a human body?

A - Gluteus Maximus

B - Adductor Magnus

C - Iliotibial Tract

D - Gastrocnemius

Answer : A


Gluteus Maximus is a buttock muscle.

Q 16 - Which among the following is not a polluting power plants?

A - Nuclear power plant

B - Wind power plant

C - Thermal power plant

D - Waste power plant

Answer : B


The energy created by wind power plant is pollution free.

Q 18 - Dolphin is a typical example of …

A - Mammalian

B - Amphibian

C - Aves

D - Pisces

Answer : A



Q 19 - Who among the following is popular as the father of Medicine?

A - Hippocrates

B - Aristotle

C - Theophrastus

D - Robert Hook

Answer : A


The great Greece physician, Hippocrates is considered as the father of medicine.

Q 20 - The deficiency of …………… causes anemia.

A - Vitamin B5

B - Vitamin B6

C - Vitamin B7

D - Vitamin B9

Answer : B


Vitamin B6 is readily available in meat and vegetables.
