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Android Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Android. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Answer : D


Due to low memory problem. your application will close before reaching onStop()

Answer : D


Splash is an activity. Generally it appears as initial screen of an application and works based on thread concept.

Q 3 -What are the return values of onStartCommand() in android services?




D - All of the above

E - None of the above

Answer : D


START_STICKY − If android stops services forcefully, using with START_STICKY, it can be restarted automatically without the user interaction.

START_NOT_STICKY − If android stops services forcefully, it will not restart services till user start services.

START_REDELIVER_INTENT − If android stops services forcefully, it will restart services by re-sending an intent.

Answer : B


Broadcast receiver has only onReceive() method. Broadcast starts from onRecieve() and control comes out from onRecieve().

Answer : E


When CPU is on mode, PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK will be active.

When CPU + bright Screen low is on mode, SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK will be active.

When CPU + bright Screen High is on mode,SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK will be active.

When CPU, Screen, bright Screen High is on mode, FULL_WAKE_LOCK will be active.

Q 6 - What are the debugging techniques available in android?


B - Breaking point

C - Memory profiling

D - None of the above.

E - None of the above.

Answer : D

DDMS, Breaking Point and Memory profiling are the three debugging techniques available in Android. Based on requirement, we can use debugging techniques, each technique is having different capabilities to debug.

Q 7 - What is the package name of HTTP client in android?

A - com.json

B - org.apache.http.client

C - com.android.JSON

D - org.json

Answer : B

org.apache.http.client is the package name of HTTP client.

Answer : B

Fragment is a peace of an activity. If you want to move your application in 360 degrees, you can do this by using a fragment.

Answer : C

Using with Javac, we can compile Java files

Use dx tool to convert all Java class files to single dex file

Use AAPT tool to create apk file

Sign the apk file by using jar signer

Zipalign of signed apk

Answer : A

The Interface acts as a bridge between class and the outside world. Interface contains method declaration, nested types, and constants.
