Sqoop Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Sqoop. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - What are the two binary file formats supported by sqoop?

A - Avro & SequenceFile

B - Rcfile and SequenceFile

C - ORC file and RC file

D - Avro and RC file

Answer : A


These are the two binary file formats supported by Sqoop.

Answer : C


You can do both full and partial data import from tables but not a subset of columns from a table.

Answer : C


With the The free form query we can write a sql query involving a join between 2 tables and mention it with --query parameter while importing. It is used in place of the --table parameter.

Answer : A


The name of the job is based on the name of the table which is being imported.

Answer : A


The sqoop command submits the values form 10 records in each insert statement with this parameter.

Q 6 - Sqoop can automatically clear the staging table before loading by using the parameter

A - –clear-table

B - –clear-staging-table

C - --truncate-staging-table

D - -delete-from-staging-table

Answer : B


the –clear-staging-table automatically cleans data form the staging table.

Q 7 - The parameter used to override NULL values to be inserted into relational targets is

A - -override-null

B - –input-null-string

C - -substitute-null

D - --replace-null

Answer : B


the parameter –input-null-string is used to override the NULL values when exporting to relational tables.

Q 8 - The temporary location to which sqoop moves the data before loading into hive is specified by the parameter

A - --target-dir

B - --source-dir

C - --hive-dir

D - --sqoop-dir

Answer : A


The --target-dir parameter mentions the directory used for temporary staging the data before loading into the hive table.

Answer : C


the parameter --hive-drop-import-delims removes the mentioned characters.

Q 10 - The comparison of row counts between the source system and the target database while loading the data using sqoop is done using the parameter

A - --Validate

B - --Rowcount

C - -row(count)

D - -allrows

Answer : A


The –validate parameter is used to show the result of row comparison between source and target.
