Pie Charts - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Pie Charts. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Directions: Study the following pie-charts carefully and answer the question that follows.


Q 1 - Number of understudy in Medicine in the years 2005 is what percent of number of understudy in science, Engineering and Medicine together in the years 2005?

A - 16.25%

B - 21.5%

C - 23.25%

D - 18.75%

Answer - D


) Number of understudy in prescription in 2005 = (9/100*1900)=171. 
Number of understudy in science, Engineering. Furthermore, medication in 2005 
= (24+15+9) % of 1900= (48/100*1900) =912. 
Let 171 = x% of 912. At that point, x/100*912=171 
∴ x= (171*100/912) =18.75% 

Directions: Study the Pie-charts carefully and answer the questions that follow:


Q 2 - Numbers of ladies working in the account and IT office together frame what% of aggregate number of Employees working in that office?

A - 19.05%

B - 26.78%

C - 95.83%

D - 59.21%

Answer - A


Finance Department: 
Aggregate no. of workers = (14/100*8450) = 1183 
Number of ladies = (25/100*3500) = 875 
Number of men = (1183-875) = 308 
I T Department: 
Aggregate no. of workers = (34/100*8450) = 2873 
Number of ladies = (21/100*3500) = 735 
Number of men = (2873-735) = 2138 

Number of ladies working in the account and IT division = (875+735) =1610 
Aggregate number of workers = 8450 
Required rate = (1610/8450*100) % = 19.05% 

Directions: The diagram given below depicts the sourced and uses of funds in a public Sector Enterprise. The total outlay is Rs. 4000 crore:

Use of Funds

Q 3 - On the off chance that the working capital must be overseen out of the advance assets, than what % of credit assets ought to be separate for this reason?

A - 25%

B - 40%

C - 56%

D - 70%

Answer - C


Loan reserves = 36.2% of 400 crores 
= Rs. (36.2/100*4000) crore = 1448 crore. 
Working capital = (20.3% of 4000) crore 
= Rs. (20.3/100*4000) crores = 812 crores. 
Required % = (812/1448*100) % = 56% 

Directions: Look at the Pie-Chart given below and answer the question that follow:


Q 4 - What is the quantity of men studying in the establishment?

A - 1665

B - 2421

C - 2025

D - 1954

Answer - B


Required number 
= (22/100*2/5+16/100*7/12+18/100*5/6+12/100*17/27+21/100*1/3+11/100*5/9) of 4500 
= (11/125+7/75+3/20+17/225+7/100+11/180)*4500 
= (396+420+675+340+315+275)*4500=2421.

Directions: Look at the Pie-Chart given below and answer the question that follow:


Q 5 - What is the aggregate number of understudy studying Banking and International Trade?

A - 1125

B - 297

C - 1015

D - 1350

Answer - D


Required number of understudy =(12+18)% of 4500=(30/100*4500)=1350. 

Directions: Study the Pie-Graph given below and answer the question that follows:

Monthly Expense

Q 6 - Due to a sudden marriage, the family brings about miscellaneous consumption of Rs 3040 altogether. How crunch is the increment in the sums under this head from that of the planned?

A - Rs 1738

B - Rs 304

C - Rs 800

D - Rs 224

Answer - C


Miscellaneous Expenditure budgeted = (7/100*32000)= 2240 Rs.
Extra expenditure on miscellaneous= (3040- 2240) = Rs.800

Directions: Study the Pie-Graph given below and answer the question that follows:

Expenditure On decoration

Total Estimated Expenditure On decoration = Rs. 120000

Q 7 - What is the distinction in the sum evaluated by the family on inside adornment and draftsman expenses?

A - Rs 10000

B - Rs 9500

C - Rs 7200

D - Rs 9600

Answer - D


(cost on interior decoration)- (Architect's fee)=(19-11)%  of Rs.120000=  (120000*8/100)= Rs. 9600

Directions: Study the Pie-Graph given below and answer the question that follows:

Career Choice

Q 8 - Out of the6% Executive deciding on own business, the rate of females when contrasted with guys picking that, is

A - More

B - Less

C - Same

D - Can't be resolved

Answer - B


It is clear from the bar graph that out of 6%  executives opting for own business, the percentage of females as compared to male executive is less.

Directions: Study the Pie-Graph given below and answer the question that follows:

Distribution of Proteins

Q 9 - What percent of the aggregate weight of the human body is proportionate to the heaviness of the skin in the human body?

A - 1.6

B - 0.16

C - 0.016

D - lacking data

Answer - A


Weight of skin = 1/10 of 16% of proteins
= (1/10*16) % of human body = 1.6% of human body.

Directions: Study the Pie-Graph given below and answer the question that follows:

Company's Expenditures

Q 10 - On which thing arrives slightest consumption? (Independent of organization A or B)

A - Miscellaneous

B - Publicizing

C - Electricity

D - Maintenance

Answer - A


Expenditure by A on maintence= 6% of Rs.35750000 = Rs.(35750000*6/100)
=Rs. 1622000
Expenditure by B on miscellaneous =4% of Rs. 40550000= (40550000*4/100)
= Rs. 1622000
So, it is least on miscellaneous.