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Software Testing - Coverage Items

Software testing also involves testing of the internal structure, logic and coding of software. This is known as the white box testing technique.

What are Coverage Items?

In the white box testing, the software’s internal data structures, design, logic, code etc are tested. The code and the components which are to be verified as a part of the white box testing are known as the coverage items.

What is White Box Testing?

The white box testing does not verify the functionalities of the software but it mainly focuses on intermediate states of the software. It checks the correct flow of input data across the internal systems before the output is generated. Thus It cannot detect errors from the unimplemented components of the software.

The white box testing accommodates the below code coverage items −

  • Call Coverage
  • Function Coverage
  • Loop Coverage
  • Class Coverage
  • Linear Code Sequence and Jump Coverage
  • Data Flow Overage
  • Relational Operator Coverage

The code coverage is the measurement of how much the code has been executed when a group of test cases are executed.

Call Coverage

The call coverage is the measurement of the total count of the functions and procedures that are invoked at least once during the execution of the test cases.

Function Coverage

The function coverage is measured to verify the extent to which architecture and features of the software have been covered by the code after running the tests.

Loop Coverage

The loop coverage is the measurement of how the loops are covered while running the tests.

Class Coverage

The class coverage is the measurement of the total count of the classes that have been touched by the execution of the tests.

Linear Code Sequence and Jump Coverage

The linear code sequence and jump coverage examines the code structure and measures the extent to which the testing should be done before being considered as completed.

Data Flow Coverage

The data flow coverage is measurement of all possible ways the variables are defined. It is a condition to gauge how the variables are interpreted and utilized in the code.

Relational Operator Coverage

The relational operator coverage is the measurement of the count of the relational operators touched by running the tests.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Coverage Items. We’ve started with describing what are coverage items, what is white box testing, Function Coverage, Call Coverage, Class Coverage, Linear Code Sequence and Jump coverage, Data Flow Coverage, Loop Coverage, and Relational Operator coverage. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Coverage Items. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
