Computer Fundamentals - E-mail Tools

What is email (electronic mail)?

E-mail (Electronic mail), is a way of communication between two or more two users over the Internet. An Email facilitates individuals, business professionals and organisations to send messages, invitations, files, and documents to one or more recipients at the same time; it means a copy of a message or attached document in a mail can be sent to multiple users at the same time. To work on email the sender and receiver must have a valid email ID like

A sender (a person who sends an email) user composes a new email when they plan to send it to one or more recipients (a person who receives an email) by adding them, adding a subject line, and attaching files or documents if required. Once the message is sent, it reaches different servers over the Internet until it reaches a recipient's email address from where they can access this information via their mail ID.

The following image shows the email inbox −


In the digital age, email is one of the most commonly used forms of communication and serves a range of purposes from personal correspondence to business communications and marketing.

Components of an Email

The key components of an Email are as follows −

  • Sender − A person who sends an email to the receiver for example is a sender who is sending an email to
  • Receiver − A receiver is a person who receives an email sent by the sender via email for example is a receiver who is receiving an email sent by
  • Email address − An email address is a unique address to identify the person uniquely on the internet. For example, is an email address. Once an email address is assigned to a person or group cannot be assigned to another person; it's like an enrolment number of a student.
  • Mailer − It’s a program which allows users to read, write, and delete emails. Some popular mailer is Gmail, rediffmail, Outlook, etc.
  • Mail Server − The mail server is a central system or controller of the entire email system; it holds the entire log history of sending, receiving, and deleting emails and manages mail programs for their respective users.
  • SMTP − SMTP stands for Simple mail transfer protocol. SMTP is a protocol specially designed for email system; this protocol can be considered as a controller program to manage the entire email system; for example, how email will be sent to the receiver, the computer network to send mail, the internet network connection, and receivers email inbox to receive email messages over the Internet.

How does email work?

Email is a method of communication between more than one user over the internet. The following points simplifies the overview of how it works −

  • Creating an Email − You compose a new email using an email client, such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo Mail. Below mentioned image describes it.
Email One
  • Sending the Email − Mention the recipient's name write the message in the body section and then click on the send button. When you hit the "send" button, your email client communicates with an outgoing mail server (SMTP server).
Email two
  • Retrieving or accessing the Email − The recipient login using their valid email ID (such as Gmail or Outlook) and checks their inbox. When they do this, the email is retrieved by their email client connecting to their incoming mail server (POP3 or IMAP server).
  • Viewing the Email − The recipient can then view the email in their inbox read it and take necessary actions such as replying or forwarding.
  • Replying and Forwarding − The process is repeated if the receiver decides to reply or forward the email. They use their email ID to log in, enter the recipient's email address, and draft their message in reply and send the mail. After that, this email follows the previously outlined process.
  • Storage and Deletion − Emails can be kept on the email servers of the sender and the recipient. Emails can be deleted by users from their inbox, perhaps moving them to a "deleted items" or "trash" folder. These deleted emails might eventually be deleted forever from the email server's database.

Anatomy of an Email / Structure of an Email

Emails are complicated and powerful tools. People use emails for different reasons, from sending personal messages, marketing messages, and official correspondence to sharing large files and documents. Email has changed a lot in how it works over the years, but the basic format of an email remains the same. There are usually four main parts to an email −

  • Headers − When you open an email, it's the first thing that we see. A header includes the sender's name and address, the recipient's email address, the subject line as well as the date and time when the message was sent.
  • Subject Line − One of the most important parts of an email is the subject line, which tells the recipient what the email is all about. The subject line should be clear and to the point, giving the recipient an idea of what they're going to find in that email.
  • Salutation − Salutation shows how senders address their recipients formally or casually. The best email salutation may include Hi (first name), Hello (name), Dear (name), Greetings, and Good morning/afternoon/evening.
  • Body − The primary content of the mail is included in the body section of an email. This is the section where the senders include the actual text of the message, as well as any attachments or links.
  • Signature − The signature is the last section of the email. It usually contains the sender's name, designation, organisation name, and contact information. It's a great way to ensure that your recipients can easily get in touch with you if they have to.

Importance of Email Communication

Email remains a cornerstone of communication in both personal and professional realms for several reasons −

  • Accessibility − It can be accessed 24 by 7; with the proliferation of smartphones and internet access, email can be accessed from anywhere and anytime.
  • Record-keeping − Emails provide a written record of communications, which facilitates fast access to previous conversations, agreements, or documents. This is very helpful for personal, business, and legal documentation.
  • Formality and professionalism − Email is a formal and appropriate mode of communication. It organizes communication with salutations, signatures, and formatting.
  • File sharing and collaboration − Email is used to share data, images, and more. It encourages teamwork by sharing information and getting feedback.
  • Marketing and outreach − Email marketing still helps firms reach their intended audience. It provides target audience, personalized communication, and campaign performance tracking.
  • Cost-effective system − Email is much cheaper than other forms of communication. It reduces paper usage, postage costs, and the need for physical infrastructure.
  • Privacy and security − Modern email system secures confidential information with encryption and other security features. Email also allows senders to manage who can access data/information using privacy settings.

Overall, email continues to play a vital role in communication, offering convenience, reliability, and versatility across various contexts.

Email Etiquette

Email etiquette encompasses the social norms that govern interpersonal communication via email. These suggestions may exhibit slight changes depending on the industry, company, and even generation. The fundamental principle of email etiquette is to communicate clearly and respectfully. Some common Email etiquette includes −

  • Professional Tone − To build and maintain professional relationships, professionalism or professional tone in email communications is of paramount importance. You can ensure professionalism and respect in your email messages by complying with Clear and Concise Subject Lines, Formal Greetings, Polite Language, Clear and Organized Structure, Clarity and Precision, Proofreading, proper Closing, Attachments and Formatting and Follow-Up.
  • Grammar and Spelling − A sender should pay attention to grammar and spelling during the drafting of emails, it ensures that your messages are professional, clear, and effective. To ensure professional and clear communication; Grammar and Spelling include proofread before sending, using spell check, being mindful of punctuation, avoiding text speaking, using complete sentences, watching your tone and seeking feedback if necessary.
  • Response Time − Prompt email response is typically regarded as a mark of professionalism and good manners in professional manners. Unless the email demands immediate attention or the sender has given an alternative deadline, try to respond to emails within 24 to 48 hours. It's polite to send a quick acknowledgement to the sender and let them know you've received their email and will be responding in more detail shortly if you need more time to respond completely. Keeping communication lines open and exhibiting consistency in how you respond timely helps to maintain positive relationships.