UDDI API - find_tModel


The find_tModel function searches for tModel records that match the specified criteria.

The response includes a root tModelList element and one tModelInfo element for each matching company. If the UDDI operator returns only a partial list of matching results, the tModelList element's truncated attribute is set to true. If no matches are found, a tModelList element with zero sub elements is returned.

Version 2.0 Syntax

<find_tModel generic = "2.0" [maxRows = "nn"] 
   xmlns = "urn:uddi-org:api_v2">


maxRows − Optional attribute to specify the maximum number of rows to be returned. If maxRows is exceeded, the serviceList element's truncated attribute is set to true.

findQualifiers − Optional element to override the default search functionality. For example, the find qualifier exactNameMatch will match exact business names.

name − The full or partial name of the service. UDDI 2.0 allows you to specify up to five service names.

identifierBag − Optional element to search by identifier. If more than one identifier is specified, the search is performed via a logical OR.

categoryBag − Optional element to search by category. If more than one category is specified, the search is performed via a logical AND.

Error Returned

If any error occurs in processing this API call, a dispositionReport element will be returned to the caller within a SOAP Fault. The following error number information will be relevant −

E_unsupported − It signifies that one of the findQualifier values passed was invalid. The invalid qualifier is clearly indicated in the error text.
