Highcharts - Spline Chart with Inverted Axes

Following is an example of a spline chart with inverted axes.

We have already seen configuration used to draw a chart in Highcharts Configuration Syntax chapter. Now, we will discuss an example of a spline chart with inverted axes.


Configure the chart type to be spline based. chart.type decides the series type for the chart. Here, the default value is "line".

Configure the axes to be inverted. When true x axis is vertical and y axis is horizontal – if a bar series is present in the chart, the same will be inverted. Here, the default value is false.


var chart = {
   type: 'spline',
   inverted: true



      <title>Highcharts Tutorial</title>
      <script src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js">
      <script src = "https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>  
      <div id = "container" style = "width: 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
      <script language = "JavaScript">
         $(document).ready(function() {  
            var chart = {
               type: 'spline',
               inverted: true
            var title = {
               text: 'Atmosphere Temperature by Altitude'   
            var subtitle = {
               text: 'According to the Standard Atmosphere Model'
            var xAxis = {
               reversed: false,
               title: {
                  enabled: true,
                  text: 'Altitude'
               labels: {
                  formatter: function () {
                     return this.value + 'km';
               maxPadding: 0.05,
               showLastLabel: true
            var yAxis = {
               title: {
                  text: 'Temperature'
               labels: {
                  formatter: function () {
                     return this.value + '\xB0';
               lineWidth: 2
            var legend = {
               enabled: false 
            var tooltip = {
               headerFormat: '<b>{series.name}</b><br/>',
               pointFormat: '{point.x} km: {point.y}\xB0C'
            var plotOptions = {
               spline: {
                  marker: {
                     enable: false
            var series = [{
               name: 'Temperature',
               data: [[0, 15], [10, -50], [20, -56.5], [30, -46.5], [40, -22.1],
                  [50, -2.5], [60, -27.7], [70, -55.7], [80, -76.5]]
            var json = {};
            json.chart = chart;
            json.title = title;
            json.subtitle = subtitle;
            json.legend = legend;
            json.tooltip = tooltip;
            json.xAxis = xAxis;
            json.yAxis = yAxis;  
            json.series = series;
            json.plotOptions = plotOptions;


Verify the result.
