Java - valueOf() Method


The valueOf method returns the relevant Number Object holding the value of the argument passed. The argument can be a primitive data type, String, etc.

This method is a static method. The method can take two arguments, where one is a String and the other is a radix.


Following are all the variants of this method −

static Integer valueOf(int i)
static Integer valueOf(String s)
static Integer valueOf(String s, int radix)


Here is the detail of parameters −

  • i − An int for which Integer representation would be returned.

  • s − A String for which Integer representation would be returned.

  • radix − This would be used to decide the value of returned Integer based on the passed String.

Return Value

  • valueOf(int i) − This returns an Integer object holding the value of the specified primitive.

  • valueOf(String s) − This returns an Integer object holding the value of the specified string representation.

  • valueOf(String s, int radix) − This returns an Integer object holding the integer value of the specified string representation, parsed with the value of radix.

Creating Integer and Double from int and double Values Example

In this example, we're showing the usage of valueOf(int) and valueOf(double) method to get an Integer/Double objects holding the value of provided int/double, primitive variables. We've created a Integer variable x, Double variable d. Using valueOf(int) and valueOf(double), we're populating x and b and then these variables are printed to verify the result.

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class Test { 
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Integer x =Integer.valueOf(9);
      Double d = Double.valueOf(5);


This will produce the following result −


Creating Integer and Double from String containing int and double Values Example

In this example, we're showing the usage of valueOf(String) method to get an Integer/Double objects holding the value of provided int/double, in form of String. We've created a Integer variable x, Double variable d. Using valueOf(String), we're populating x and b and then these variables are printed to verify the result.

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class Test { 
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Integer x =Integer.valueOf("9");
      Double d = Double.valueOf("5");


This will produce the following result −


Creating Integer with Given Radix Example

In this example, we're showing the usage of valueOf(String, int radix) method to get an Integer object holding the value of provided int, in form of String for a given radix. We've created a Integer variable x. Using valueOf(String, int), we're populating x based on radix 16 and then this variables is printed to verify the result.

package com.tutorialspoint;

public class Test { 
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Integer x =Integer.valueOf("A", 16);


This will produce the following result −
